[图书][B] Entrepreneurial finance: A global perspective

G Gibbons, RD Hisrich, CM DaSilva - 2014 - books.google.com
A practical approach for entrepreneurs and investors Entrepreneurial Finance provides
readers with the fundamental knowledge to finance, start, grow, and value new ventures …

Impediments and Needs of Start-ups and Investors in South-East Europe for Investment Readiness and Growth

A Baresel-Bofinger, P Ketikidis… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 - books.google.com
The region of South-East Europe (SEE) needs to systematically foster sustainable economic
growth. One way to contribute to this goal is to strengthen innovative entrepreneurship …

Beyond the global financial crisis: challenges facing venture capitalists operating in an emerging economy such as Nigeria

I Ekanem, A Cardoso, R Owen - ISBE 2015: 38th Institute for Small … - repository.mdx.ac.uk
Objectives: The study investigates the challenges faced by venture capitalists (VCs) when
operating in an emerging market, as well as problems in dealing with the entrepreneurs …