he Influence of Posttraumatic Stress on Suicidal Ideation in Firefighters: Cognitive Emotion Regulation as a Moderator

SJ Kim, SP Yook - Fire Science and Engineering, 2018 - koreascience.kr
This study investigated the impact of post-traumatic stress of the fire-fighting officers who are
exposed to traumatic events repeatedly on suicide and attempted to verify the moderating …

Incident shock and related factors in rescue workers

ET Yoo, SJ Cho - Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial …, 2013 - koreascience.kr
This study was designed to identify the extent of incident shock who are in high risk of post
traumatic shock stress, and analyze the related factors that affect the extent of incident …

[PDF][PDF] 소방공무원의외상후스트레스가자살생각에미치는영향-인지적정서조절의조절효과

김성정, 육성필 - 한국화재소방학회논문지, 2018 - kifsejournal.or.kr
요 약본 연구는 외상사건에 반복적으로 노출되는 소방공무원들의 외상 후 스트레스가 자살에
미치는 영향을 살펴보고, 외상 후 스트레스와 자살생각과의 관계에서 인지적 정서조절의 …

[PDF][PDF] 언론인의인구사회학적특성에따른신체적증상과정서적탈진: 서울시언론인을중심으로: 서울시언론인을중심으로

박상영, 조성제 - 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2013 - kais99.org
요약 본 연구의 목적은 언론인을 대상으로 인구사회학적 특성에 따른 신체적 증상과 정서적
탈진과의 관련성을파악함으로써 원활한 업무수행을 위한 기초 안을 수립하고자 시도되었다 …

The Effects of Resilience and Family Support on Job Stress of Police Officers

JI Nam, MR Kang - Journal of Convergence for Information …, 2021 - koreascience.kr
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among resilience and family support
on job stress and identity the factors that influence on job stress in police officers …

[PDF][PDF] 구조대원의사건충격정도와관련요인분석

유의태, 조성제 - 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2013 - kais99.org
요약 본 연구는 외상후스트레스 고위험군이 많이 분포된 구조대원에 대한 사건충격정도를
파악하고, 사건충격정도에 영향을 미치는 관련 요인을 분석하였다. 연구대상은 화재 및 …

[PDF][PDF] Study on the Methods that Daily Economy Newspaper Journalists Use to Cope with Occupational Stress-Centered Around 'S Economy Newspaper'as well as 5 …

SY Park, SJ Cho - International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio …, 2015 - gvpress.com
This study was attempted in the hopes of establishing an inner foundation for the reasonable
job performance of journalists by understanding the coping methods for occupational stress …

Journalists, according to the demographic characteristics of the physical symptoms and emotional exhaustion-Study of Seoul journalists

SY Park, SJ Cho - Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial …, 2013 - koreascience.kr
The aim of this study was to determine the basis for smooth conduction of business for
journalists by identifying the journalists demographic characteristics and the relevance of the …