Pengaruh Citra Merek dan Kepercayaan Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Sego Njamoer (Studi pada Gerai Sego Njamoer Foodcourt Royal Plaza Surabaya)

A Ghofur - Jurnal E-Bis, 2021 -
Sego Njamoer is the most popular brand of mushroom processed fast food in Surabaya
which is experiencing a trend of fluctuating sales at the Foodcourt Royal Plaza Surabaya …

Pengaruh Kuliah Online Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Di Daerah Jabodetabek Selama Masa Pandemik Covid-19

MA Tabun - EduTeach: Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi …, 2021 -
This study aims to determine whether online lectures have a positive and significant effect
on student learning motivation at tertiary institutions in the Greater Jakarta area (Jakarta …

Pengaruh kepercayaan merek, citra merek dan persepsi kualitas terhadap loyalitas merek sensodyne

RY Vernadila, R Realize - Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi …, 2020 -
This study aimed to determine the impact of Sensodyne brand trust, brand image and
perceived quality on brand loyalty. There is no doubt that brand trust, brand image and …

Pengaruh Brand Trust dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Rotte Bakery Cabang Delima

P Andriani, M Heriyanto - El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & …, 2024 -
Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagamana pengaruh Brand Trust dan Kualitas Produk
terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Rotte Bakery Cabang Delima Pekanbaru. Jenis …

Perilaku Konsumtif pada Penggemar K-Boygroup Seventeen (Carat) di Surabaya

TA Fatimah - Jurnal Syntax Admiration, 2024 -
This research aims to, first: provide an overview of how excessive attitudes in consuming
and buying something related to Seventeen are done by Carat in fully supporting his idols …

[HTML][HTML] Pengaruh citra merek dan keterikatan merek terhadap niat pembelian ulang dengan brand commitment sebagai variabel intervening: Studi Pada konsumen …

AD Aziza - 2023 -
INDONESIA: Maraknya penggunaan skincare membuat persaingan ketat di antara pebisnis
dalam bidang yang sama. Salah satu faktor penting dalam bisnis adalah niat pembelian …

An Examination of The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Image and Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Customer Attitude

R Hidayat, ES Mubarok, R Santoso - Ilomata International Journal of …, 2021 -
This study aimed at understanding the effects of corporate social responsibility, corporate
image, customer attitude, and customer loyalty. The method used for this study was causality …

Pengaruh Brand Trust Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Jasa Pada Lembaga Kita Center Pekanbaru

H Salsabila, M Mandataris - Management Studies and …, 2024 -
This research aims to determine the influence of Brand Trust and Price on Service Use
Decisions at the Kita Center Pekanbaru Institution. The method used in this research is …

Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Kosmetik Sociolla di Sociolla Store Mall Kelapa Gading

E Rasyid, R Ardani - Journal of Economics and Business UBS, 2024 -
Industri kosmetik di Indonesia berkembang pesat karena meningkatnya tren penggunaan
kosmetik yang didorong oleh keinginan untuk tampil menarik, terbukti dari data Kementerian …

Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Citra Sekolah Islam Terpadu Auliya

AP Sembodo, NN Muksin - Advances In Social Humanities Research, 2024 -
The research aims to measure the effect of service quality on the image of Auliya Integrated
Islamic School. The theory used is the Parasuraman theory with dimensions of service …