[HTML][HTML] 陕西山阳“8· 12” 大型山体滑坡运动特征及数值模拟分析

孟桓羽, 占洁伟, 卢全中, 俞朝悦, 亢佳乐, 孙月敏 - 工程地质学报, 2023 - dsjyj.com.cn
2015 年8 月12 日, 陕西省山阳县中村镇烟家沟村发生大规模山体滑坡, 滑坡堆积体摧毁并掩埋
了18 间房屋, 造成7 人死亡, 64 人失踪. 本文在大量野外地质调查的基础上 …

[HTML][HTML] G109 国道拉萨—羊八井段喀努纳危岩体变形破坏模式及稳定性分析

孙琪皓, 马凤山, 刘港, 郭捷, 段学良 - 工程地质学报, 2021 - dsjyj.com.cn
喀努纳危岩体发育于青藏铁路, G109 国道和京藏高速公路的交汇路段, 对交通工程施工建设和
安全运营造成极大威胁. 为了评价喀努纳危岩体的稳定程度, 同时查明潜在崩塌的失稳条件和主 …

[HTML][HTML] Combining seismic signal dynamic inversion and numerical modeling improves landslide process reconstruction

Y Yan, Y Cui, X Huang, J Zhou, W Zhang… - Earth Surface …, 2022 - esurf.copernicus.org
Landslides present a significant hazard for humans, but continuous landslide monitoring is
not yet possible due to their unpredictability. In recent years, numerical simulation and …

Numerical simulation of the Rongcharong paleolandslide river-blocking event: Implication for the longevity of the landslide dam

J Yan, J Chen, F Zhou, Y Li, Y Zhang, F Gu, Y Zhang… - Landslides, 2022 - Springer
Numerous paleolandslide dams are distributed along the upper reaches of the Jinsha River
under the special geological setting of the Tibetan Plateau. A field investigation revealed …

Rapid prediction models for 3D geometry of landslide dam considering the damming process

H Wu, T Nian, Z Shan, D Li, X Guo, X Jiang - Journal of Mountain Science, 2023 - Springer
The geometry of a landslide dam plays a critical role in its stability and failure mode, and is
influenced by the damming process. However, there is a lack of understanding of the factors …

[PDF][PDF] 基于地震动信号分析的地质灾害过程重构方法研究与应用

严炎, 崔一飞, 周开来, 尹述遥, 田鑫, 田继枫 - 工程地质学报, 2021 - dsjyj.com.cn
摘要地质灾害启动及演进过程中对途经的村庄, 植被, 基础设施等均会造成不同程度的破坏,
而深入研究灾害的演进过程有助于灾害预警和防治工作, 能减少灾区人员伤亡, 降低经济损失 …


H MENG, J ZHAN, Q LU, Z YU, J KANG… - Journal of Engineering …, 2023 - en.dzkx.org
Abstract On August 12, 2015, a giant landslide occurred in Yanjiagou Village, Zhongcun
Town, Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province. The landslide debris destroyed and buried 18 …

[PDF][PDF] 滑坡运动路径复杂度研究: 综述与展望

李郎平, 兰恒星 - 地球科学, 2022 - earth-science.net
滑坡运动路径具有普遍的复杂性, 体现为侧散, 转向, 分叉, 交织, 聚合与并联等复杂行为.
滑坡运动路径复杂性增大了滑坡危险性. 因而, 滑坡危险性评估对滑坡运动路径复杂度的量化和 …

滑坡–堵江–涌浪灾害链模拟的DEM–CFD 耦合分析方法及其应用.

李东阳, 年廷凯, 吴昊, 张彦君 - … Science/Gongcheng Kexue …, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
滑坡–堵江–涌浪灾害链的演化过程涉及复杂的滑坡–河流相互作用. 为了真实再现这一演进过程,
本文提出了一种扩展的离散元法(DEM) 与计算流体动力学(CFD) 耦合数值方法 …

Combined numerical investigation of the Gangda paleolandslide runout and associated dam breach flood propagation in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau

Y Zhang, J Chen, F Zhou, Y Bao, J Yan, Y Zhang, Y Li… - Landslides, 2022 - Springer
A large paleolandslide occurred opposite the Gangda village in the upper Jinsha River, SE
Tibetan Plateau. Field geological investigations and remote sensing indicated that the …