Implementation of PhET simulation with discovery learning model to improve understanding of dynamic electricity concepts
VM Anisa, D Astriani - Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 2022 -
This study describes the implementation of learning using PhET simulation with a discovery
learning model, the effect on increasing understanding of dynamic electricity concepts in …
learning model, the effect on increasing understanding of dynamic electricity concepts in …
Development of learning media and online test based smartphone android in physics learning on work and energy topic
Technological developments affect the development of learning. Along with this, the
development of covid throughout the world makes learning required to present creative …
development of covid throughout the world makes learning required to present creative …
The Effect of PhET Simulation-Assisted Project-Based Learning Model on Students' Creative Thinking Skills in Elasticity Materials
A Doyan, DF Hadi - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2023 -
The problems in this study are related to project-based learning models, PhET simulations,
and students' creative thinking skills in elasticity material. This research is experimental, with …
and students' creative thinking skills in elasticity material. This research is experimental, with …
Validation of PhET-Based Core Physics Teaching Materials to Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes of Physics Education Students
The development of PhET-based core physics introductory teaching materials to increase
the activities and learning outcomes of physics education students has been successfully …
the activities and learning outcomes of physics education students has been successfully …
Investigating the use of PhET simulation as a substitute for practical tools in understanding the concept of static electricity
I Ismalia, M Kusumawati… - … of Education and …, 2022 -
The purpose of this research is to see and find out how the understanding of the concept of
Static Electricity towards students of SMAN 9 Muaro Jambi Class X MIPA using web-based …
Static Electricity towards students of SMAN 9 Muaro Jambi Class X MIPA using web-based …
Pelatihan PhET Virtual Laboratory Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru IPA Dalam Merancang Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Penggunaan PhET simulations merupakan alternatif dalam menyampaikan konsep-konsep
sains dalam kegiatan pembelajaran IPA. Namun, tidak semua guru dapat mengoperasikan …
sains dalam kegiatan pembelajaran IPA. Namun, tidak semua guru dapat mengoperasikan …
Meta analisis pengaruh media simulasi e-learning PhET terhadap hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran fisika
S Suhardiman, N Asni, AIP Abrar… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2022 -
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Meta-Analisis yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar
pengaruh Media Simulasi E-Learning PhET terhadap hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran …
pengaruh Media Simulasi E-Learning PhET terhadap hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran …
The Effect of the PhET Assisted Problem Based Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Wave Material
E Imaniah, S Susilawati, S Sutrio… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 -
This study aims to examine whether or not there is an influence of the PhET-assisted
problem-based learning model on student learning outcomes in Wave material. The type of …
problem-based learning model on student learning outcomes in Wave material. The type of …
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Inkuiri Terbimbing Berbantuan Simulasi PHET Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Peserta Didik
This research aimed to produce products in the form of a guided inquiry model learning
device assisted by PhET simulation that is feasible, practical and effective to improve …
device assisted by PhET simulation that is feasible, practical and effective to improve …
Digitization of Learning Through Virtual Laboratory in Assessing Students' Science Process Skills on Mechanical Wave Material
S Prihatiningtyas, HE Haryono… - Lensa: Jurnal …, 2024 -
This study explores the impact of utilizing the PhET virtual laboratory on the development of
science process skills among students. Conducted with a repeated treatment design (one …
science process skills among students. Conducted with a repeated treatment design (one …