Revisiting academic capitalism in Canada: No longer the exception

AS Metcalfe - The Journal of Higher Education, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
(1997), Slaughter and Leslie lamented the lack of current statistics from Canadian sources in
order to analyze the country's higher education system adequately, raising the question as …

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceived publication pressure among academic researchers in Canada

C Suart, K Neuman, R Truant - PloS one, 2022 -
The phenomenon of “publish-or-perish” in academia, spurred on by limited funding and
academic positions, has led to increased competition and pressure on academics to publish …

The political economy of post-secondary education: A comparison of British Columbia, Ontario and Québec

D Fisher, K Rubenson, G Jones, T Shanahan - Higher Education, 2009 - Springer
A policy sociology approach is taken to examine the connections between neo-liberalism,
post-secondary provincial education (PSE) policy in Canada and the impact of those …

Shifting roles and approaches: Government coordination of post‐secondary education in Canada, 1995–2006

T Shanahan, GA Jones - Higher Education Research & …, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
This paper analyses changing approaches to system‐level governance in Canadian post‐
secondary education from 1995–2006. A review of major policy initiatives reveals a shift in …

Strategies for widening access in a quasi-market higher education environment: Recent developments in Canada

D Kirby - Higher Education, 2011 - Springer
Under the Canadian constitution, authority over all levels of education, including higher
education, rests with each of the individual provinces and territories. Although Canada has …

The internationalization of Canadian university research: A global higher education matrix analysis of multi-level governance

GA Jones, A Oleksiyenko - Higher Education, 2011 - Springer
To date, much of the research on internationalization and globalization of higher education
has focused on the institution or higher education system as the unit of analysis. Institution …

Barriers to Differentiation: Applying Organizational Studies to Ontario Higher Education.

RP Milian, S Davies, D Zarifa - Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 2016 - ERIC
Ontario's Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities is currently attempting to increase
institutional differentiation within that province's postsecondary education system. We …

The roles and responsibilities of middle management (Chairs and Deans) in Canadian universities

L Boyko, GA Jones - The changing dynamics of higher education middle …, 2010 - Springer
This chapter examines the roles and responsibilities of department chairs and faculty deans
in Canadian universities to determine whether these academic middle-management …

Institutional moral hazard in the multi-tiered regulation of unemployment and social assistance benefits

F Vandenbroucke, C Luigjes, DJ Wood… - CEPS special …, 2016 -
This paper studies eight countries in which the regulation of unemployment benefits and
related benefits and the concomitant activation of unemployed individuals has a multi-tiered …

University-industry research collaborations in Canada: The role of federal policy instruments

CM Sá, J Litwin - Science and Public Policy, 2011 -
Canada's research policy has aimed to facilitate technology transfer from universities and
induce innovation in industry for the past three decades. This article examines the policy …