Machine learning for music genre: multifaceted review and experimentation with audioset

J Ramírez, MJ Flores - Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2020 - Springer
Music genre classification is one of the sub-disciplines of music information retrieval (MIR)
with growing popularity among researchers, mainly due to the already open challenges …

Hierarchical classification for instrument activity detection in orchestral music recordings

M Krause, M Müller - IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech …, 2023 -
Instrument activity detection is a fundamental task in music information retrieval, serving as a
basis for many applications, such as music recommendation, music tagging, or remixing …

Characterising confounding effects in music classification experiments through interventions

F Rodríguez-Algarra, B Sturm, S Dixon - Transactions of the …, 2019 -
Characterising Confounding Effects in Music Classification Experiments through Interventions
Page 1 This is the published version of a paper published in …

[PDF][PDF] Revisiting priorities: Improving MIR evaluation practices

BLT STURM - 2016 -
While there is a consensus that evaluation practices in music informatics (MIR) must be
improved, there is no consensus about what should be prioritised in order to do so. Priorities …

Convolutional operators in the time-frequency domain

V Lostanlen - 2017 -
This dissertation addresses audio classification by designing signal representations which
satisfy appropriate invariants while preserving inter-class variability. First, we study time …

Are nearby neighbors relatives? Testing deep music embeddings

J Kim, J Urbano, CCS Liem, A Hanjalic - Frontiers in Applied …, 2019 -
Deep neural networks have frequently been used to directly learn representations useful for
a given task from raw input data. In terms of overall performance metrics, machine learning …

Validity in music information research experiments

BLT Sturm, A Flexer - arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.01578, 2023 -
Validity is the truth of an inference made from evidence, such as data collected in an
experiment, and is central to working scientifically. Given the maturity of the domain of music …

Towards Musically Meaningful Explanations Using Source Separation

V Haunschmid, E Manilow, G Widmer - arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02051, 2020 -
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are successfully applied in a wide variety of music
information retrieval (MIR) tasks. Such models are usually considered" black boxes" …

A Review of Validity and its Relationship to Music Information Research

B Sturm, A Flexer - Int. Symp. Music Information Retrieval, 2023 -
Validity is the truth of an inference made from evidence and is a central concern in scientific
work. Given the maturity of the domain of music information research (MIR), validity in our …

[PDF][PDF] Activity Detection for Sound Events in Orchestral Music Recordings

M Krause - 2023 -
Composers of music can express emotions and communicate with their audience in a
multitude of ways. They decide on which voices or instruments to use, arrange notes into …