The state explosion problem

A Valmari - Advanced Course on Petri Nets, 1996 - Springer
State space methods are one of the most important approaches to computer-aided analysis
and verification of the behaviour of concurrent systems. In their basic form, they consist of …

Model checking

EM Clarke - Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical …, 1997 - Springer
Abstract Model checking is an automatic technique for verifying finite-state reactive systems,
such as sequential circuit designs and communication protocols. Specifications are …

[图书][B] Principles of model checking

C Baier, JP Katoen - 2008 -
A comprehensive introduction to the foundations of model checking, a fully automated
technique for finding flaws in hardware and software; with extensive examples and both …

Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools for modelling and validation of concurrent systems

K Jensen, LM Kristensen, L Wells - International Journal on Software Tools …, 2007 - Springer
Abstract Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) is a language for the modelling and validation of
systems in which concurrency, communication, and synchronisation play a major role …

[图书][B] Partial-order methods for the verification of concurrent systems: an approach to the state-explosion problem

P Godefroid - 1996 - Springer
The first technique for computing the set of transitions T to consider in a selective search
actually corresponds to a whole family of algorithms lOve81, Va191, GW91b] that have been …

Confluence for process verification

JF Groote, MPA Sellink - Theoretical computer science, 1996 - Elsevier
We provide several notions for confluence in processes and we show how these relate to τ-
inertness, ie if then s and s′ are equivalent. Using clustered linear processes we show how …

State space reduction using partial order techniques

EM Clarke, O Grumberg, M Minea, D Peled - International Journal on …, 1999 - Springer
With the advancement of computer technology, highly concurrent systems are being
developed. The verification of such systems is a challenging task, as their state space grows …

Lola a low level analyser

K Schmidt - Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2000: 21st …, 2000 - Springer
With LoLA, we put recently developed state space oriented algorithms to other tool
developers disposal. Providing a simple interface was a major design goal such that it is as …

Monte carlo model checking

R Grosu, SA Smolka - Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2005 - Springer
We present MC 2, what we believe to be the first randomized, Monte Carlo algorithm for
temporal-logic model checking. Given a specification S of a finite-state system, an LTL …

Ten years of partial order reduction

D Peled - … Aided Verification: 10th International Conference, CAV' …, 1998 - Springer
Checking the properties of concurrent systems is an ever growing challenge. Along with the
development of improved verification methods, some critical systems that require careful …