Exploring the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the field of entrepreneurial support: a multi-level approach
C Theodoraki, K Messeghem - International Journal of …, 2017 - inderscienceonline.com
The entrepreneurial ecosystem is an emerging but underdeveloped theoretical stream that
needs to be better understood. This research explores a new perspective in the …
needs to be better understood. This research explores a new perspective in the …
Knowledge exchanges in innovation networks: evidences from an Italian aerospace cluster
FG Alberti, E Pizzurno - Competitiveness review, 2015 - emerald.com
Purpose–This paper aims at investigating the multifaceted nature of innovation networks by
focusing on two research questions: Do cluster actors exchange only one type of innovation …
focusing on two research questions: Do cluster actors exchange only one type of innovation …
Digital strategic collaborations in agriculture: a novel asset for local identity enhancement toward Agrifood 5.0
Purpose The aim of this research is to elucidate the correlation between open innovation,
digital strategies and networking in enhancing agricultural enterprises within the new …
digital strategies and networking in enhancing agricultural enterprises within the new …
Deterministic and contingent factors in the genesis of agribusiness clusters: the pigmeat industry in nineteenth-century Catalonia
P Castell, R Ramon-Muñoz - Land, 2022 - mdpi.com
This paper deals with the location, origins, and early development of clusters and industrial
districts in the agribusiness sector. It considers the case of the meat processing industry in …
districts in the agribusiness sector. It considers the case of the meat processing industry in …
The Reform of Public Service Bureaucracy in the Investment Sector Within the Pentahelix Perspective: A New Hope in the Era of Autonomy?
S Sumartono, H Hermawan - Australasian Accounting, Business and …, 2020 - ro.uow.edu.au
Many recommendations have been proposed to enhance the reform of public service
bureaucracy. However, they were not effective enough since complaints were still directed …
bureaucracy. However, they were not effective enough since complaints were still directed …
The impact of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on regional competitive advantage: A network theory perspective
Regional competitive advantage is pivotal in supporting global competitiveness. An
entrepreneurial ecosystem is believed to promote competitive advantage; however, the …
entrepreneurial ecosystem is believed to promote competitive advantage; however, the …
The road to internationalization of a Latin state company: the case of PEMEX
J Satsumi, KMN Aguirre - GCG: revista de globalización …, 2018 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Nowadays, big companies seek to compete in international markets through the
internationalization of its operations in order to achieve economic growth, promote and offer …
internationalization of its operations in order to achieve economic growth, promote and offer …
Los orígenes de los clústers de transformados cárnicos en la Catalunya de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: el caso de Vic.
P Castell, R Ramon-Muñoz - Organización de la producción …, 2023 - torrossa.com
La actividad económica se localiza en el territorio articulada, en numerosas ocasiones, a
través de distritos industriales o clústers de empresas. 2 Aunque difieran entre ellas, estas …
través de distritos industriales o clústers de empresas. 2 Aunque difieran entre ellas, estas …
The new triple-helix policy of Lombardy region: evidence from nine innovation clusters
JD Giusti, S Ferrario, F Belfanti… - Global business and …, 2019 - inderscienceonline.com
Innovation clusters represent a concerted effort to bring together research, industry and
government in line with the triple-helix framework. Clusters affect and are affected by their …
government in line with the triple-helix framework. Clusters affect and are affected by their …
Industry Growth Opportunities: A technical report to support the Western Parkland City Economic Development Strategy
This report provides technical input to support the Western Parkland City Economic
Development Strategy being prepared by the New South Wales Government and the …
Development Strategy being prepared by the New South Wales Government and the …