Quasi-experimental study designs series—paper 6: risk of bias assessment

H Waddington, AM Aloe, BJ Becker, EW Djimeu… - Journal of Clinical …, 2017 - Elsevier
Objectives Rigorous and transparent bias assessment is a core component of high-quality
systematic reviews. We assess modifications to existing risk of bias approaches to …

[图书][B] Set-theoretic methods for the social sciences: A guide to qualitative comparative analysis

CQ Schneider, C Wagemann - 2012 - books.google.com
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and other set-theoretic methods distinguish
themselves from other approaches to the study of social phenomena by using sets and the …

Understanding process tracing

D Collier - PS: political science & politics, 2011 - cambridge.org
Process tracing is a fundamental tool of qualitative analysis. This method is often invoked by
scholars who carry out within-case analysis based on qualitative data, yet frequently it is …

Placebo tests for causal inference

AC Eggers, G Tuñón, A Dafoe - American Journal of Political …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Placebo tests are increasingly common in applied social science research, but the
methodological literature has not previously offered a comprehensive account of what we …

An equivalence approach to balance and placebo tests

E Hartman, FD Hidalgo - American Journal of Political Science, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Recent emphasis on credible causal designs has led to the expectation that scholars justify
their research designs by testing the plausibility of their causal identification assumptions …

Does foreign aid target the poorest?

RC Briggs - International Organization, 2017 - cambridge.org
To examine the extent to which foreign aid reaches people at different levels of wealth in
Africa, I use household surveys to measure the subnational distribution of a country's …

Formal constitutions in informal politics: Institutions and democratization in post-Soviet Eurasia

HE Hale - World politics, 2011 - cambridge.org
How do formal constitutions impact the prospects for democratization in hybrid regimes,
where corruption is typically high and rule of law weak? It is often assumed either that they …

Outdated views of qualitative methods: time to move on

D Collier, HE Brady, J Seawright - Political Analysis, 2010 - cambridge.org
Both qualitative and quantitative research routinely fall short, producing misleading causal
inferences. Because these weaknesses are in part different, we are convinced that …

Making national identity salient: Impact on attitudes toward immigration and multiculturalism

C Breton - Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue …, 2015 - cambridge.org
Does national identity necessarily have exclusionary effects when it comes to immigration
attitudes or is it possible that some national identities act as inclusive forces? While research …

Does electoral proximity affect security policy?

N Marinov, WG Nomikos, J Robbins - The Journal of Politics, 2015 - journals.uchicago.edu
How do approaching elections affect the security policy states conduct? We build on classic
political economy arguments and theorize that one problem likely faced by democratic policy …