Optical assessment of alterations of microrheologic and microcirculation parameters in cardiovascular diseases

AE Lugovtsov, YI Gurfinkel, PB Ermolinskiy… - Biomedical Optics …, 2019 - opg.optica.org
In this work, we compare the blood aggregation parameters measured in vitro by laser
aggregometry and optical trapping techniques in blood samples with the parameters of …

Forces of RBC interaction with single endothelial cells in stationary conditions: Measurements with laser tweezers

AA Kapkov, AN Semenov, PB Ermolinskiy… - Journal of Innovative …, 2021 - World Scientific
Red blood cells (RBCs) are able to interact and communicate with endothelial cells (ECs).
Under some pathological or even normal conditions, the adhesion of RBCs to the …

The Use of Capillaroscopy and Aggregometry Methods to Diagnose the Alterations of Microcirculation and Microrheology in Diabetes

AE Lugovtsov, YI Gurfinkel… - Biomedical Photonics …, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
In this chapter, we review the principles and capabilities of optical techniques based on the
interaction of light with whole-blood or red blood cell (RBC) suspensions to assess the …

Study by optical techniques of the dependence of aggregation parameters of human red blood cells on their deformability

AI Maslianitsyna, PB Ermolinsky… - Journal of Biomedical …, 2020 - jbpe.ssau.ru
Blood microcirculation in human body is greatly dependent on the microrheologic properties
of red blood cells. The aim of this work is to identify the relationship between the …

Взаимосвязь параметров капиллярного кровотока, измеренных in vivo, и микрореологических параметров крови, измеренных in vitro, при артериальной …

ИМ Каданова, АИ Незнанов, АЕ Луговцов… - Регионарное …, 2021 - microcirc.ru
Аннотация Введение. При сердечно-сосудистых заболеваниях нарушается
микроциркуляция крови, а также ее микрореологические свойства, которые …

Микрореологические свойства крови и капиллярный кровоток при артериальной гипертензии и сахарном диабете второго типа: исследование оптическими …

АИ Масляницына, ИМ Каданова… - Комплексные …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Цель. Анализ агрегационных свойств эритроцитов и параметров капиллярного
кровотока, измеренных различными оптическими методами, у пациентов с …

Microrheologic properties of blood and capillary blood flow in case of arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus: iin vitro and in vivo optical assessment

AI Maslianitsyna, IM Kadanova, AI Neznanov… - Complex Issues of …, 2020 - nii-kpssz.com
Aim. To study microrheological properties of RBCs and capillary blood flow parameters
using optical methods in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and type 2 diabetes …


АВ Приезжев, ВВ Зинчук, ПБ Ермолинский… - ББК 52.64; 54.1 М …, 2022 - elibrary.ru
Исследована взаимосвязь агрегационных свойств эритроцитов, измеренных in vitro в
пробах цельной крови пациентов, страдающих артериальной гипертензией и …

Laser-optic methods for revealing molecular and microrheologic mechanisms of interaction of blood components and related impairment of metabolism at …

AV Priezzhev, AE Lugovtsov… - … Laser Optics (ICLO), 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
To study the fundamental role of cellular and molecular blood components (red blood cells,
platelets, blood plasma proteins) and their interaction in maintaining or changing the …

The effect of RBC age on their aggregation properties

P Ermolinskiy, AE Lugovtsov, K Lee… - … физика (ТКМФ-7), 2020 - elibrary.ru
Process of RBC aggregation is highly influence on the blood viscosity and hemorheology in
general. There are a lot of factors affecting on this process such as composition of …