Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Risiko Kredit Sebagai Pemoderasi

A Priharta, NA Gani, D Darto, S Sulhendri… - Owner: Riset Dan …, 2023 - polgan.ac.id
The price that investors are prepared to pay for a business's stock is a good indicator of the
firm's value, and hence the stock market price is a good indicator of the value of the …


A Priharta, M Tantri, NA Gani - Journal of Applied …, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
Diyakini bahwa profitabilitas dan likuiditas memengaruhi nilai perusahaan. ROA, ROE dan
NIM merupakan variabel profitabilitas dan LDR merupakan variabel likuiditas yang telah …

Pengaruh Tekanan Anggaran Waktu, Kompleksitas Tugas, Kompetensi dan Profesionalisme Terhadap Kinerja Auditor

RJ Daniro, NA Gani, A Priharta - MRBEST, 2023 - jurnalbest.com
This study aims to analyze the effect of time budget pressure, task complexity, competence
and professionalism on auditor performance. Conducted with a quantitative approach using …

Corporate Governance, Financial Performance and Macroeconomics: The Impact on Bank Profitability Information

A Priharta, NA Gani, A Munawaroh… - Jurnal Kajian …, 2023 - ejournalugj.com
Banks are institutions with stringent regulations related to corporate governance
implementation and the demand for high financial performance. Macroeconomic conditions …

Profitability in State-Owned Enterprises Banks Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2019-2023 as an Effect of CAR, TATO, and NPL

AL Tryana - eCo-Fin, 2024 - jurnal.kdi.or.id
The world of banking plays a crucial role in society and the government. Banks serve as a
vital indicator of a country's progress, making them the lifeblood of its economy. As domestic …

Pengaruh Profitabilitas Terhadap Harga Saham Dengan Struktur Modal Sebagai Variabel Intervening dan Pertumbuhan Penjualan Sebagai Variabel Anteseden …

JJ Fredelia, B Mahmudi… - Jurnal Bina Bangsa …, 2023 - jbbe.lppmbinabangsa.id
Penelitiain ini bertujuain untuk mengetaihui aipaikaih profitaibilitais mempengairuhi hairgai
saihaim dengain struktur modail sebaigaii vairiaibel intervening dain pertumbuhain …

Determinants Of Financial Distress In Retail Trade Sub-Sector Companies In Indonesia

F Fathurachman - GOVERNORS, 2024 - jurnal.itscience.org
This study aims to identify the influence of cash flow, sales growth, liquidity, and profitability
on financial distress. This study uses a quantitative approach by utilizing secondary data in …

Factors Affecting Profitability (Study On State-Owned Banks In Indonesia)

A Priharta, NA Gani, SH Harun - GOVERNORS, 2024 - jurnal.itscience.org
The research aims to determine the effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non-Performing
Loans, Loan to Deposit Ratio and Net Interest Margin on profitability as measured by ROA …


S Hidayat, TZ Yunus, T Ananto - MRBEST, 2023 - jurnalbest.com
Media Riset Bisnis Ekonomi Sains dan Terapan Page 1 ISSN: 2987-1875 1 Media Riset Bisnis
Ekonomi Sains dan Terapan, Vol.1, No.3, September 2023 Media Riset Bisnis Ekonomi Sains …