Mapping Ecotourism Policy Studies in Indonesia: The 3C Approach-Conservation, Community, and Control

M Yusuf, D Kurniasih - Journal of Local Government Issues …, 2023 -
This study seeks to investigate the evolution of studies on ecotourism policy in Indonesia.
Using the Scopus and Google Scholar databases, a systematic literature review was …

[PDF][PDF] BIOTROPIKA Journal of Tropical Biology

P AREA - 2023 -
Perhutani area in Poncokusumo is inhabited by endemic and protected mammals and birds.
However, the data on the species are still lacking while the wildlife is threatened by forest …

Sustainability Ecotourism Complexity in Batu-Indonesia: CBE Implementation based on Tourists' Evaluation: Mimbar: Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan; Volume 38 …

H Husamah - Jurnal Pendidikan Profesi Guru, 2024 -
This study aimed to analyze the implementation of CBE principles in the ecotourism
management. This quantitative study investigates the relationship between independent …

Determinants and influences of community participation and support of ecotourism villages to economic, social, and tourism development: a study in Padang Bindu …

Alfitri, A Kholek, AD Santoso - International Journal of …, 2023 -
This study investigates the determinants and correlations of community participation and
support for the development of ecotourism villages in Padang Bindu, Indonesia. As a …

Desain Strategi Pengembangan Model Bisnis Pariwisata Pantai Gili Labak, Sumenep

S Lutfi - 2022 -
Saat ini antar pariwisata di Indonesia berlomba-lomba menawarkan nilai lebih baik.
Pengambil keputusan dituntut jeli dan kreatif untuk memanfaatkan dan mengeksploitasi nilai …

Calculation of coral reef volume using 3D underwater photos on Gili Labak Island, Indonesia

FF Muhsoni, D Irawan - Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation …, 2023 -
Tourism without proper management will bring in tourists who can have a large impact on
the environment and coastal ecosystems. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the …

Perencanaan Pembangunan Berbasis Inovasi Ekowisata: Ecotourism-Based Development Planning Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review

NH Ritonga, NH Harahap - Journal of Islamic Economics …, 2024 -
Pariwisata adalah kegiatan ekonomi atau serangkaian kegiatan terkoordinasi yang
ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan individu yang berkaitan dengan waktu luang dan …

[PDF][PDF] Review dan masukan untuk penerbitan jurnal autentik STKIP PGRI SUMENEP

H Husamah - Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi, 2020 -
Autentik adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
(PGSD), STKIP PGRI Sumenep, Madura, Jawa Timur. Jurnal ini bertujuan sebagai media …

[引用][C] Inovasi Perencanaan Pembangunan Berbasis Ekowisata: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka Sistematis

U Inati - Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning …, 2022

Sustainability Ecotourism Complexity in Batu-Indonesia: CBE Implementation based on Tourists' Evaluation

H Husamah, H Suwono, H Nur… - MIMBAR: Jurnal Sosial …, 2022 -
This study aimed to analyze the implementation of CBE principles in the ecotourism
management. This quantitative study investigates the relationship between independent …