Hatching asynchrony, brood reduction and other rapidly reproducing hypotheses

MJ Stenning - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 1996 - cell.com
H latching asynchrony (HA) is the timespan (up to sev-eral days) across which a# clutch
hatches. from the hatching of the first egg to the emergence of the last chick. Because chicks …

Hatching asynchrony and the onset of incubation in birds, revisited: when is the critical period?

SH Stoleson, SR Beissinger - Current ornithology, 1995 - Springer
In most animals, offspring from a reproductive bout usually hatch, emerge, or are born within
a relatively short time of each other compared to the time required for their development …

Hatching asynchrony as a parental reproductive strategy in birds: a review of causes and consequences

E Węgrzyn, W Węgrzyn, K Leniowski - Journal of Ornithology, 2023 - Springer
Bird parents may choose among various breeding strategies. From an evolutionary point of
view the outcome of their choice is believed to provide the highest reproductive success in a …

Fitness–related consequences of egg mass in nestling house wrens

JD Styrsky, KP Eckerle… - Proceedings of the …, 1999 - royalsocietypublishing.org
The fitness–related consequences of egg mass, independent of confounding influences
associated with parental quality, remain poorly understood for wild birds in general and for …

Hatching asynchrony, brood reduction, and food limitation in a neotropical parrot

SH Stoleson, SR Beissinger - Ecological Monographs, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
A number of hypotheses for hatching asynchrony suggest that the size hierarchy among
nestlings produced by hatching asynchrony is adaptive and confers benefits to parents. We …

Costs and benefits of hatching asynchrony in blue tits Parus caeruleus

T Slagsvold, T Amundsen, S Dale - Journal of Animal Ecology, 1995 - JSTOR
1. We studied the significance of hatching asynchrony in blue tits Parus caeruleus during a 4-
year period at Oslo, Norway, by comparing breeding success of broods manipulated to …

Food supply and hatching spans of birds: energy constraints or facultative manipulation

KL Wiebe, GR Bortolotti - Ecology, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
Clutches of altricial birds generally hatch over a period of hours or days. Numerous
hypotheses have been generated to explain hatching asynchrony, but most experiments …

Parental provisioning in house wrens: effects of varying brood size and consequences for offspring

EK Bowers, D Nietz, CF Thompson… - Behavioral …, 2014 - academic.oup.com
In biparental species, conflict between the sexes is expected when optimal levels of parental
care differ between males and females. We studied food provisioning in house wrens …

Hatching asynchrony in great tits: a bet‐hedging strategy?

T Amundsen, T Slagsvold - Ecology, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
Previous studies have shown that asynchronous hatching in birds tends to result in fewer,
but higher quality, offspring than does synchronous hatching. However, very few studies …

An experimental analysis of small clutch size in tropical house wrens

BE Young - Ecology, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
Trade—offs are central to life history theory, yet few studies have examined how geographic
variation in trade—offs can lead to geographic variation in life history characters. I examined …