A survey of community search over big graphs

Y Fang, X Huang, L Qin, Y Zhang, W Zhang, R Cheng… - The VLDB Journal, 2020 - Springer
With the rapid development of information technologies, various big graphs are prevalent in
many real applications (eg, social media and knowledge bases). An important component of …

Keyword search on large graphs: A survey

J Yang, W Yao, W Zhang - Data Science and Engineering, 2021 - Springer
With the prevalence of Internet access and online services, various big graphs are
generated in many real applications (eg, online social networks and knowledge graphs). An …

[PDF][PDF] Effective community search for large attributed graphs

Y Fang, CK Cheng, S Luo, J Hu - Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2016 - hub.hku.hk
Given a graph G and a vertex q∈ G, the community search query returns a subgraph of G
that contains vertices related to q. Communities, which are prevalent in attributed graphs …

Attribute truss community search

X Huang, LVS Lakshmanan - arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.00090, 2016 - arxiv.org
Recently, community search over graphs has attracted significant attention and many
algorithms have been developed for finding dense subgraphs from large graphs that contain …

Discovering top-k teams of experts with/without a leader in social networks

M Kargar, A An - Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
We study the problem of discovering a team of experts from a social network. Given a project
whose completion requires a set of skills, our goal is to find a set of experts that together …

Querying knowledge graphs by example entity tuples

N Jayaram, A Khan, C Li, X Yan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We witness an unprecedented proliferation of knowledge graphs that record millions of
entities and their relationships. While knowledge graphs are structure-flexible and content …

Nema: Fast graph search with label similarity

A Khan, Y Wu, CC Aggarwal, X Yan - Proceedings of the VLDB …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
It is increasingly common to find real-life data represented as networks of labeled,
heterogeneous entities. To query these networks, one often needs to identify the matches of …

Effective and efficient attributed community search

Y Fang, R Cheng, Y Chen, S Luo, J Hu - The VLDB Journal, 2017 - Springer
Given a graph G and a vertex q ∈ G q∈ G, the community search query returns a subgraph
of G that contains vertices related to q. Communities, which are prevalent in attributed …

Searching connected API subgraph via text phrases

WK Chan, H Cheng, D Lo - Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT 20th …, 2012 - dl.acm.org
Reusing APIs of existing libraries is a common practice during software development, but
searching suitable APIs and their usages can be time-consuming [6]. In this paper, we study …

Diversifying top-k results

L Qin, JX Yu, L Chang - arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.0076, 2012 - arxiv.org
Top-k query processing finds a list of k results that have largest scores wrt the user given
query, with the assumption that all the k results are independent to each other. In practice …