III European perspectives on borderlands: an overview of European geographical research on borders and border regions
H Van Houtum - Journal of Borderlands studies, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
The number of geographical studies on borders and border regions has increased over the
last few decades due to the process of globalization. The European Union (EU) integration …
last few decades due to the process of globalization. The European Union (EU) integration …
[图书][B] The development of cross-border economic relations, a theoretical and empirical study of the influence of the state border on the development of cross-border …
HJ Van Houtum - 1998 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
This dissertation investigates the influence of a state border on the development of cross-
border economic relations in the European Union. The focus is on the frequency, number …
border economic relations in the European Union. The focus is on the frequency, number …
The structures of cooperation: downscaling, outsourcing and the networked alliance
L Suarez-Villa - Small Business Economics, 1998 - Springer
This article explores interfirm cooperation and its relationship with downscaling, cooperative
outsourcing, and the network structures of multiple firm alliances. Downscaling is defined …
outsourcing, and the network structures of multiple firm alliances. Downscaling is defined …
The multiple effects of borders on metropolitan functions in Europe
C Sohn, J Licheron - Regional Studies, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines the effects of borders on the performance of metropolitan areas in
Europe. An innovative multidimensional conceptualization of border effects into four factors …
Europe. An innovative multidimensional conceptualization of border effects into four factors …
[图书][B] Przyrodnicze uwarunkowania kształtowania się polsko-słowackich więzi transgranicznych
M Więckowski - 2004 - books.google.com
177. Komornicki T., Potoki towarowe polskiego handlu zagranicznego a międzynarodowe
powiązania transportowe, 2000, s. 102, 36 il., 21 tab 178. Roo-Zielińska E., Solon J.(red.) …
powiązania transportowe, 2000, s. 102, 36 il., 21 tab 178. Roo-Zielińska E., Solon J.(red.) …
Regional economic integration and the evolution of disparities
L Suarez‐Villa, JRC Roura - Papers in Regional Science, 1993 - Elsevier
This paper provides an overview of the evolution of interregional disparities in Europe and in
the United States in recent decades, considering also the changes that economic integration …
the United States in recent decades, considering also the changes that economic integration …
Trans‐border European networking: Shifts in corporate strategy?
MV Geenhuizen, B Knaap… - European Planning Studies, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
The disappearance of man‐made borders and the need for increased international
cooperation seem to prelude a removal of unnecessary obstacles between actors in different …
cooperation seem to prelude a removal of unnecessary obstacles between actors in different …
Cultural and social dimensions of borderlands: The case of the Italo-Slovene trans-border area
M Bufon - GeoJournal, 1993 - Springer
The article represents an attempt to explore the dimensions of border landscapes on the
basis of some recent theoretical and methodological geographical trends in approaching …
basis of some recent theoretical and methodological geographical trends in approaching …
[PDF][PDF] Borders, national sovereignty and European integration: the British-Irish case
L O'Dowd, J Corrigan, T Moore - International Journal of Urban and …, 1995 - academia.edu
The globalization of economic life and the restructuring of the international economy since
the 1970s have generated a new social scientific interest in spatial questions but rather less …
the 1970s have generated a new social scientific interest in spatial questions but rather less …
The e‐economy and the rise of technocapitalism: networks, firms, and transportation
L Suarez‐Villa - Growth and change, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
The e‐economy is part of a larger phenomenon, technocapitalism, that is transforming
business organizations and the ways in which they transact, produce, and ship their goods …
business organizations and the ways in which they transact, produce, and ship their goods …