Logically synthesized and hardware-accelerated restricted Boltzmann machines for combinatorial optimization and integer factorization

S Patel, P Canoza, S Salahuddin - Nature Electronics, 2022 - nature.com
The restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) is a stochastic neural network capable of solving a
variety of difficult tasks including non-deterministic polynomial-time hard combinatorial …

Noise-injected analog Ising machines enable ultrafast statistical sampling and machine learning

F Böhm, D Alonso-Urquijo, G Verschaffelt… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
Ising machines are a promising non-von-Neumann computational concept for neural
network training and combinatorial optimization. However, while various neural networks …

Critical parameters of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass

M Baity-Jesi, RA Baños, A Cruz, LA Fernandez… - Physical Review B, 2013 - APS
We report a high-precision finite-size scaling study of the critical behavior of the three-
dimensional Ising Edwards-Anderson model (the Ising spin glass). We have thermalized …

Efficient quantum walk circuits for Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

J Lemieux, B Heim, D Poulin, K Svore, M Troyer - Quantum, 2020 - quantum-journal.org
We present a detailed circuit implementation of Szegedy's quantization of the Metropolis-
Hastings walk. This quantum walk is usually defined with respect to an oracle. We find that a …

Weighted -Bits for FPGA Implementation of Probabilistic Circuits

AZ Pervaiz, BM Sutton, LA Ghantasala… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Probabilistic spin logic is a recently proposed computing paradigm based on unstable
stochastic units called probabilistic bits (p-bits) that can be correlated to form probabilistic …

Unraveling quantum annealers using classical hardness

V Martin-Mayor, I Hen - Scientific reports, 2015 - nature.com
Recent advances in quantum technology have led to the development and manufacturing of
experimental programmable quantum annealing optimizers that contain hundreds of …

Reconfigurable computing for Monte Carlo simulations: Results and prospects of the Janus project

M Baity-Jesi, RA Baños, A Cruz, LA Fernández… - The European Physical …, 2012 - Springer
We describe Janus, a massively parallel FPGA-based computer optimized for the simulation
of spin glasses, theoretical models for the behavior of glassy materials. FPGAs (as …

GPU accelerated population annealing algorithm

LY Barash, M Weigel, M Borovský, W Janke… - Computer Physics …, 2017 - Elsevier
Population annealing is a promising recent approach for Monte Carlo simulations in
statistical physics, in particular for the simulation of systems with complex free-energy …

An in-depth view of the microscopic dynamics of Ising spin glasses at fixed temperature

F Belletti, A Cruz, LA Fernandez… - Journal of Statistical …, 2009 - Springer
Using the special-purpose computer Janus, we follow the nonequilibrium dynamics of the
Ising spin glass in three dimensions for eleven orders of magnitude. The use of integral …

Implementation and evaluation of FPGA-based annealing processor for Ising model by use of resource sharing

C Yoshimura, M Hayashi, T Okuyama… - International Journal of …, 2017 - jstage.jst.go.jp
The non-von Neumann computer architecture has been widely studied to prepare us for the
post-Moore era. The authors implemented this kind of architecture, which finds the lower …