Moving from a compliance‐based to an integrity‐based organizational climate in the food supply chain
L Manning - Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Compliance is the act or status of complying with an imperative regulatory or normative
requirement, that is, compliance means working within boundaries defined by contractual …
requirement, that is, compliance means working within boundaries defined by contractual …
[引用][C] Pengaruh E-Wom Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Dengan Dimediasi Citra Merek Dan Kepercayaan Merek Pada Indomaret Cabang Mandala By Pass
VFH Nst - Jurnal Ilmiah METADATA, 2023 -
Keputusan pembelian merupakan peran penting yang harus diperhatikan karena keputusan
pembelian merupakan hal yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk menciptakan strategi …
pembelian merupakan hal yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk menciptakan strategi …
[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh efikasi diri terhadap perencanaan karir pegawai dengan motivasi karir sebagai variabel mediasi pada kantor camat Medang Deras Kabupaten Batu …
Salah satu problema yang dihadapi oleh sebagian Daerah Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia ini
adalah buruknya kualitas pelayanan publik. Sebagai bidang yang bergerak disektor …
adalah buruknya kualitas pelayanan publik. Sebagai bidang yang bergerak disektor …
Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan Di Departemen Operasi Pt. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang
A Heryati - Jurnal Ecoment Global, 2016 -
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah kompensasi dan beban kerja secara
signifikan mempengaruhi loyalitas karyawan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah …
signifikan mempengaruhi loyalitas karyawan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah …
Flexible work arrangement, work life balance, kepuasan kerja, dan loyalitas karyawan pada situasi Covid-19
K Stefanie, E Suryani… - Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen …, 2020 -
Tujuan peneliti melakukan penelitian untuk melihat keterkaitan antara flexible work
arrangement, work-life balance, kepuasan kerja dan loyalitas karyawan pada saat situasi …
arrangement, work-life balance, kepuasan kerja dan loyalitas karyawan pada saat situasi …
The influence of flexibility of work to loyalty and employee satisfaction mediated by work life balance to employees with millennial generation background in Indonesia …
Human resource is the one of the most important elements in the company. Therefore, the
company must have related strategies to retain these workers. One of them is by increasing …
company must have related strategies to retain these workers. One of them is by increasing …
Does internal marketing influence employee loyalty? Evidence from the Ghanaian banking industry
Even though internal marketing has been a buzzword for over 25 years now, most of the
literature has largely remained theoretical and few empirical studies, especially in sub …
literature has largely remained theoretical and few empirical studies, especially in sub …
Employee loyalty: measurement and validation
Employee loyalty is a significant attribute to gain competitive advantage in any organization.
Research suggests that retaining and nurturing a loyal workforce has many benefits and …
Research suggests that retaining and nurturing a loyal workforce has many benefits and …
Why leadership style matters: a closer look at transformational leadership and internal marketing
Purpose The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between
transformational leadership (TL) and internal marketing which is underscored by the …
transformational leadership (TL) and internal marketing which is underscored by the …
The mediating effect of perceived institutional support on inclusive leadership and academic loyalty in higher education
Globally, people have a rising desire to obtain certificates, degrees, and diplomas in higher
institutions, described as “diploma disease”. Additionally, the need for sustainable education …
institutions, described as “diploma disease”. Additionally, the need for sustainable education …