A biased random-key genetic algorithm to maximize the number of accepted lightpaths in WDM optical networks

JS Brandão, TF Noronha, CC Ribeiro - Journal of Global Optimization, 2016 - Springer
Given a set of lightpath requests, the problem of routing and wavelength (RWA) assignment
in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks consists in routing a subset of …

Wavelength assignment in design DWDM transport network using algorithm BCO-RWA

D Ageyev, A Pereverzev - Proceedings of International …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The main problem in designing DWDM transport networks is the wavelength assignment of
light paths. One way of solving this problem is to use the algorithm BCO-RWA. However …

Independent Set Bin Packing Algorithm for Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) Problem

SU Lee - Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and …, 2015 - koreascience.kr
This paper deals with the routing and wavelength assignment problem (RWAP) that decides
the best lightpaths for multiple packet demands for (s, t) in optical communication and …

Zastosowanie metod transformacji grafu topologii sieci teleinformatycznej w wyznaczaniu niezawodnych tras transmisji ukierunkowane na redukcję czasu obliczeń

K Myslitski - 2022 - mostwiedzy.pl
Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie autorskich metod zapewniania niezawodności transmisji
wieloskokowej przy wykorzystaniu proponowanych technik transformacji ukierunkowanych …

Artificial bee colony approach for routing and wavelength assignment in optical WDM networks

GZ Markovic - Intelligent Systems for Optical Networks Design …, 2013 - igi-global.com
Abstract Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) of lightpaths in optical WDM networks
is a challenging task that belongs to a class of complex combinatorial problems. To solve the …

Roteamento e alocação de comprimento de onda em redes WDM segundo algoritmo baseado em regras da natureza.

ER Benayon - 2012 - bdtd.uerj.br
Eduardo Rodrigues Benayon - Revisão Defesa 08MAR Page 1 Roteamento e alocação de co
segundo algoritmo ba Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeir Centro de Tecnologia e …

[PDF][PDF] A Review of Various Algorithms Used to Optimize RWA Problem in WDM Network

R Rani, H Singh - academia.edu
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is expected to be a popular technique for
constructing large optical networks interconnecting a large number of nodes. With suitable …

[PDF][PDF] Survivable Routing Mechanisms in Optical WDM Networks

DK Tyagi - 2018 - dspace.bits-pilani.ac.in
The recent advancements in Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) optical networks
enable the telecommunication and data networks to operate at extremely high data rates at …

Doğa Esinli Algoritmalar Kullanarak Optik Wdm Ağlarda Hataya Bağışık Sanal Topoloji Tasarlama

FC Ergin - 2016 - polen.itu.edu.tr
Özet Günümüzde bilgisayar ağları hayatımızın önemli bir parçası ve ihtiyaç haline gelmiştir.
İstediğimiz veriye, istediğimiz anda, daha hızlı, daha güvenli ve kesintisiz olarak erişme …

[引用][C] Survivable virtual topology design in optical WDM networks using nature-inspired algorithms

F Corut Ergin - Bilişim Enstitüsü