Collaboration and innovation: a review of the effects of mergers, acquisitions and alliances on innovation

AP De Man, G Duysters - Technovation, 2005 - Elsevier
Over the past decades, a strong upheaval in the use of alternative forms of organization
gave way to increased attention in the academic literature to the performance effects of, in …

[图书][B] Technological change and economic performance

AN Link, D Siegel - 2003 -
This useful new book reviews the literature on technology and economic growth covering
historical and theoretical developments such as:* new models for measuring productivity …

Strategic technology alliance termination: An empirical investigation

B Sadowski, G Duysters - Journal of Engineering and Technology …, 2008 - Elsevier
There is growing consensus that overall alliance termination rates are high. However,
despite this track record of termination and despite unsurpassed growth rates of strategic …

Strategic research partnerships and economic performance: Empirical issues

DS Siegel, V Zervos - Science and Public Policy, 2002 -
A rapid rise in the incidence of strategic research partnerships (SRPs) involving firms,
universities, non-profit organizations, and public agencies has stimulated an important …

Supply Chain Contract Design of Technology Innovation Collaboration Under Asymmetric Information

N Wang, Z Zhang, R Gao - LISS 2014: Proceedings of 4th International …, 2015 - Springer
Supply chain technology innovation collaboration has the characteristics of high uncertainty
and risk. Through the equitable distribution of the proceeds compact design can enhance …

Acordos de cooperação e inovação: um estudo de micro, pequena e média empresas em arranjo produtivo local (APL)

JGL Gomes - 2017 -
With the increasing globalization of markets, increased competition, speed and complexity of
technological change, companies are being led to open their borders, moving from a …

Post-M&A absorption-related invention capacity in the biopharmaceutical industry

L Orsi, A Ganzaroli, I De Noni - Innovation, Alliances, and …, 2015 -
Recognizing the importance of external knowledge flows is fundamental in sectors
characterized by dynamic information and strong intellectual property rights (Chesbrough …

[PDF][PDF] Samenwerking hogescholen, onderzoeksinstellingen, intermediairen en bedrijven: Een studie van de internationale literatuur

B Van Looy, C Lecocq, R Belderbos, D Faems… - 2006 -
3.4. 1 Inleiding 81 3.4. 2 Het legitimeren van universiteiten en hogescholen als
ondernemende actor: bestaande wetgeving 87 3.4. 3 De invloed van de bestaande …

[引用][C] Managing value creation in Joint Ventures between Competitors

SD van Soelen - 2012 - University of Cape Town