Judicial education and regulatory capture: Does the current system of educating judges promote a well-functioning judiciary and adequately serve the public interest
SI Strong - J. Disp. Resol., 2015 - HeinOnline
Judges are often said to enjoy a certain" mystique" that arises immediately upon their
election or appointment to the bench. 1 To some extent, this phenomenon may be based on …
election or appointment to the bench. 1 To some extent, this phenomenon may be based on …
[图书][B] International investment law and policy in Africa: exploring a human rights based approach to investment regulation and dispute settlement
F Adeleke - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
This book studies the international investment law regime in Africa and provides a
comprehensive analysis of the current treaty practices in Africa from global, regional and …
comprehensive analysis of the current treaty practices in Africa from global, regional and …
Unbundling the State: Legal Development in an Era of Global, Private Governance
MO Allen - International Organization, 2023 - cambridge.org
What happens to a public, domestic institution when its authority is delegated to a privately
run, transnational institution? I argue that outsourcing traditionally national legal …
run, transnational institution? I argue that outsourcing traditionally national legal …
Does International Arbitration Enfeeble or Enhance Local Legal Institutions?
CA Rogers, CR Drahozal - Legitimacy in Investment Arbitration …, 2019 - papers.ssrn.com
One of the more serious critiques of investment arbitration is that it undermines the
development of local legal institutions and the domestic rule of law. Critics argue that by …
development of local legal institutions and the domestic rule of law. Critics argue that by …
Fixing the Palestinian Legal Framework for International Commercial Arbitration as a Tool for Economic Development in Non-Fully Recognized States
NMF Hafaitha - 2024 - d-scholarship.pitt.edu
The existing legal framework for international commercial arbitration is widely regarded as
the most preferred mechanism for resolving cross-border commercial disputes. International …
the most preferred mechanism for resolving cross-border commercial disputes. International …
International investment protection and the national rule of law: a normative framework for a new approach
V Živković - 2017 - etheses.lse.ac.uk
The relationship of international investment law (IIL) with the rule of law is an increasingly
important topic. There is a broad agreement that the rule of law is a guiding notion for IIL and …
important topic. There is a broad agreement that the rule of law is a guiding notion for IIL and …
[图书][B] Private International Law and Arbitral Jurisdiction
F Varesis - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
International commercial arbitration and litigation are often seen as competing fora, fields of
law, or markets. This intersection is at its highest at the forefront of any proceedings, at the …
law, or markets. This intersection is at its highest at the forefront of any proceedings, at the …
[PDF][PDF] Is International Commercial Arbitration a Substitute for Domestic Legal Institutions?
MO Allen - 2022 - modallen.com
The growth of private, transnational legal institutions presents states with new and under-
examined mechanisms for integrating into the global economy. This paper investigates the …
examined mechanisms for integrating into the global economy. This paper investigates the …
Вызначэнне права, прымяняльнага да працэсуальных аспектаў разбіральніцтва ў міжнародным камерцыйным арбітражы: дыпломная работа
ІА Юрэвіч - 2022 - elib.bsu.by
Мэта працы: вызначыць асноўныя падыходы да вызначэння права, прымяняльнага да
працэсуальных аспектаў разбіральніцтва ў міжнародным камерцыйным арбітражы …
працэсуальных аспектаў разбіральніцтва ў міжнародным камерцыйным арбітражы …
[PDF][PDF] Constructing International Commercial Arbitration: Traders, Lawyers, and the Competition for Authority over Global Commerce
MOD Allen - 2022 - ecommons.cornell.edu
This dissertation examines the causes and consequences of the global privatization of
commercial dispute resolution. Specifically, I investigate the origins of the movement behind …
commercial dispute resolution. Specifically, I investigate the origins of the movement behind …