Microbial and animal rhodopsins: structures, functions, and molecular mechanisms

OP Ernst, DT Lodowski, M Elstner, P Hegemann… - Chemical …, 2014 - ACS Publications
Organisms of all domains of life use photoreceptor proteins to sense and respond to light.
The light-sensitivity of photoreceptor proteins arises from bound chromophores such as …

A functional-phylogenetic classification system for transmembrane solute transporters

MH Saier Jr - Microbiology and molecular biology reviews, 2000 - Am Soc Microbiol
SUMMARY A comprehensive classification system for transmembrane molecular
transporters has been developed and recently approved by the transport panel of the …

Retinylidene proteins: structures and functions from archaea to humans

JL Spudich, CS Yang, KH Jung… - Annual review of cell …, 2000 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Retinylidene proteins, containing seven membrane-embedded α-helices that form
an internal pocket in which the chromophore retinal is bound, are ubiquitous in …

Bioenergetics of the Archaea

G Schäfer, M Engelhard… - … and molecular biology …, 1999 - Am Soc Microbiol
In the late 1970s, on the basis of rRNA phylogeny, Archaea (archaebacteria) was identified
as a distinct domain of life besides Bacteria (eubacteria) and Eucarya. Though forming a …

Mechanism of ion transport across membranes: bacteriorhodopsin as a prototype for proton pumps

JK Lanyi - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1997 - ASBMB
The high resolution structures now available for mitochondrial ATPase (1) and mammalian
and bacterial cytochrome c oxidases (2, 3) have raised hopes that the long sought …

Light-driven chloride and sulfate pump with two different transport modes

M Singh, S Ito, S Hososhima… - The Journal of …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Ion pumps are membrane proteins that actively translocate ions by using energy. All known
pumps bind ions in the resting state, and external energy allows ion transport through …

A gene-fusion strategy for stoichiometric and co-localized expression of light-gated membrane proteins

S Kleinlogel, U Terpitz, B Legrum, D Gökbuget… - Nature …, 2011 - nature.com
The precise co-localization and stoichiometric expression of two different light-gated
membrane proteins can vastly improve the physiological usefulness of optogenetics for the …

[HTML][HTML] Characterization of the photochemical reaction cycle of proteorhodopsin

G Váró, LS Brown, M Lakatos, JK Lanyi - Biophysical journal, 2003 - cell.com
Absorption changes in the photocycle of the recently described retinal protein,
proteorhodopsin, are analyzed. The transient spectra at pH 9.5, where it acts as a light …

Halorhodopsin: light-driven ion pumping made simple?

LO Essen - Current opinion in structural biology, 2002 - Elsevier
Halorhodopsin, a light-driven halide pump, is the second archaeal rhodopsin involved in ion
pumping to be studied at high resolution by X-ray crystallography. Like its cousin …

Characterization of a cyanobacterial chloride-pumping rhodopsin and its conversion into a proton pump

T Hasemi, T Kikukawa, N Kamo, M Demura - Journal of biological chemistry, 2016 - ASBMB
Light-driven ion-pumping rhodopsins are widely distributed in microorganisms and are now
classified into the categories of outward H+ and Na+ pumps and an inward Cl− pump. These …