Flood susceptibility mapping by integrating frequency ratio and index of entropy with multilayer perceptron and classification and regression tree

Y Wang, Z Fang, H Hong, R Costache… - Journal of Environmental …, 2021 - Elsevier
Episodes of frequent flooding continue to increase, often causing serious damage and tools
to identify areas affected by such disasters have become indispensable in today's society …

Flash-flood Potential Index mapping using weights of evidence, decision Trees models and their novel hybrid integration

R Costache - Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk …, 2019 - Springer
Flash-floods are among the natural risk phenomena that annually cause important material
damages and losses of human lives worldwide. One of the main activities for mitigating the …

Assessing soil water content variation in a small mountainous catchment over different time scales and land covers using geographical variables

F Mallet, V Marc, J Douvinet, P Rossello, D Joly… - Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Soil Water Content (SWC) plays a key role in hydrological processes at the
catchment scale. It is highly dependent on local variables (such as soil properties …

Description and evaluation of a surface runoff susceptibility mapping method

LR Lagadec, P Patrice, I Braud, B Chazelle, L Moulin… - Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
Surface runoff is the hydrological process at the origin of phenomena such as soil erosion,
floods out of rivers, mudflows, debris flows and can generate major damage. This paper …

Meta-analysis and visualization of the literature on early identification of flash floods

Z Yang, X Yuan, C Liu, R Nie, T Liu, X Dai, L Ma… - Remote Sensing, 2022 - mdpi.com
Flash flood is one of the extremely destructive natural disasters in the world. In recent years,
extreme rainfall events caused by global climate change have increased, and flash flood …

Using logistic regression-cellular automata to project future sites for commercial wind energy development

JJ Wimhurst, JS Greene - Applied Geography, 2023 - Elsevier
Demands to decarbonize electricity production and improve energy security will continue to
drive wind energy development. A Logistic Regression-Cellular Automata (LRCA) model is …

Risk to residents, infrastructure, and water bodies from flash floods and sediment transport

M Bauer, T Dostal, J Krasa, B Jachymova… - Environmental …, 2019 - Springer
Intense rainfall-runoff events and subsequent soil erosion can cause serious damage to the
infrastructure in residential areas in Europe countries and all over the world. In the Czech …

[PDF][PDF] Érosion des sols et transferts sédimentaires sur les bassins versants de l'Ouest du Bassin de Paris: analyse, quantification et modélisation à l'échelle …

V Landemaine - University of Rouen, 2016 - researchgate.net
Résumé Comprendre comment les activités humaines impactent l'environnement est le
prérequis indispensable pour une planification et une gestion durable des ressources …

Towards regional scale stormwater flood management strategies through rapid preliminary intervention screening

JL Webber, M Balbi, D Lallemant, MJ Gibson, G Fu… - Water, 2021 - mdpi.com
This paper presents the advantages and opportunities for rapid preliminary intervention
screening to enhance inclusion of green infrastructures in regional scale stormwater …

An urban flood inundation model based on cellular automata

S Armal, R Al-Suhili - International Journal of Water, 2019 - inderscienceonline.com
This study develops a modified cellular automata (CA) model to simulate the flash flood
inundation extent on a case study of an urban sub-catchment, in New York City. Based on …