[图书][B] Academic capitalism: Universities in the global struggle for excellence
R Münch - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This book investigates the intensifying struggle for excellence between universities in a
globalized academic field. The rise of the entrepreneurial university and academic …
globalized academic field. The rise of the entrepreneurial university and academic …
[HTML][HTML] Concepciones teóricas sobre la efectividad organizacional y su evaluación en las universidades
A Camue Álvarez, E Carballal del Río… - Cofin Habana, 2017 - scielo.sld.cu
La búsqueda de la efectividad organizacional o de los sistemas organizativos es una tarea
recurrente en cualquier organización. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se propuso …
recurrente en cualquier organización. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se propuso …
[HTML][HTML] The strategic orientation of universities in knowledge transfer activities
Previous research has claimed that universities can enhance the effectiveness of knowledge
transfer activities by establishing a clear strategic goal and aligning all their activities …
transfer activities by establishing a clear strategic goal and aligning all their activities …
Systems of indicators to evaluate the performance of university-industry alliances: a review of the literature and directions for future research
E Piva, C Rossi-Lamastra - Measuring Business Excellence, 2013 - emerald.com
Purpose–Despite evaluating the performance of university-industry alliances being
extremely important, scholars have not developed any structured and commonly accepted …
extremely important, scholars have not developed any structured and commonly accepted …
The entrepreneurial university: How to develop the entrepreneurial orientation of academia
In the last years, universities have assumed a prominent role in the science and technology-
based economic development. The concept of entrepreneurial university, a key concept in …
based economic development. The concept of entrepreneurial university, a key concept in …
The knowledge triangle, European higher education policy logics and policy implications
P Maassen, B Stensaker - Higher education, 2011 - Springer
While it is common to claim that university reforms are based on universal and standardised
ideas about 'modernising'the university, few studies have examined in a more coherent way …
ideas about 'modernising'the university, few studies have examined in a more coherent way …
European universities as complete organizations? Understanding identity, hierarchy and rationality in public organizations
This article investigates the form of European universities to determine the extent to which
they resemble the characteristics of complete organizations and whether the forms are …
they resemble the characteristics of complete organizations and whether the forms are …
Efficiency of European public higher education institutions: a two-stage multicountry approach
J Wolszczak-Derlacz, A Parteka - Scientometrics, 2011 - akjournals.com
The purpose of this study is to examine efficiency and its determinants in a set of higher
education institutions (HEIs) from several European countries by means of non-parametric …
education institutions (HEIs) from several European countries by means of non-parametric …
Rankings and university performance: A conditional multidimensional approach
University rankings are the subject of a paradox: the more they are criticized by social
scientists and experts on methodological grounds, the more they receive attention in policy …
scientists and experts on methodological grounds, the more they receive attention in policy …
The determinants of university strategic positioning: a reappraisal of the organisation
This paper makes a contribution to the debate on university organisational actorhood by
theorising the determinants of institutional strategic positioning. It argues that besides …
theorising the determinants of institutional strategic positioning. It argues that besides …