Pelatihan Pembuatan Minyak Kelapa dengan Metode Pembekuan di Desa Mekar Kecamatan Soropia
Sebagian masyarakat memahami bahwa konsumsi minyak kelapa dapat menyebabkan
koleterol. Akibatnya, produksi minyak goreng dari buah kelapa tua terus menurun. Kondisi …
koleterol. Akibatnya, produksi minyak goreng dari buah kelapa tua terus menurun. Kondisi …
A Review: Analysis Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) of Heavy Metal Content in Crude Palm Oil
Indonesia, the world's largest producer of crude palm oil (CPO), turns its oil through a series
of refinement processes that include degumming, bleaching, and deodorization before it is …
of refinement processes that include degumming, bleaching, and deodorization before it is …
Analisis Kadar Timbal (Pb) pada Minyak Goreng Berulang oleh Pedagang Gorengan
People have a lifestyle that tends to involve consuming junk food. Fried food is popular
among the public because it is fast to serve and easy to obtain. However, the public is less …
among the public because it is fast to serve and easy to obtain. However, the public is less …