Method and apparatus for prefetching data items to a cache

TJ Cashman, AW Fitzgibbon, EW Wood… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
An apparatus for detecting pose of an object is described. The apparatus has a processor
configured to receive captured sensor data depicting the object. The apparatus has a …

Activity recognition method with automatic training based on inertial sensors

A Zancanato, SP Rivolta - US Patent 11,669,770, 2023 - Google Patents
(51) Int. Cl.(57) ABSTRACT c00Sc 00S00 (201901) Technological advancements are
disclosed that utilize iner-(()/('JQ/()()(2013 01) tial sensor data associated with a device to …

Synthetic physically unclonable function

P Nguyen, R Nguyen, Y Souissi, S Guilley… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
A circuit for a Synthetic Physically Unclonable Function, acronym SPUF, in a computer
device, wherein the circuit is configured to receive data from a plurality of hardware sensors …