[PDF][PDF] The PANAS-X: Manual for the positive and negative affect schedule-expanded form

D Watson - Unpublished manuscript. University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1994 - iro.uiowa.edu
In recent research, two broad, general factors--typically labeled Positive Affect (PA) and
Negative Affect (NA)--have emerged reliably as the dominant dimensions of emotional …

Daily well-being: The role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness

HT Reis, KM Sheldon, SL Gable… - Personality and …, 2000 - journals.sagepub.com
Emotional well-being is most typically studied in trait or trait-like terms, yet a growing
literature indicates that daily (within-person) fluctuations in emotional well-being may be …

[PDF][PDF] Untersuchungen mit einer deutschen version der" positive and negative affect schedule"(PANAS)

HW Krohne, B Egloff, CW Kohlmann… - Diagnostica …, 1996 - researchgate.net
Im Rahmen der differentiellen internen Validierung konnte mit Hilfe von vier weiteren
Zeitinstruktionen („wie fühlten Sie sich heute–in den letzten Tagen–in den letzten Wochen …

[引用][C] Mood and temperament

D Watson - New York, NY: Guilford, 2000 - books.google.com
Much has been learned about mood and temperament in recent years--yet until now,
investigations into these domains have remained relatively distinct and disconnected. This …

Weekends, work, and well-being: Psychological need satisfactions and day of the week effects on mood, vitality, and physical symptoms

RM Ryan, JH Bernstein, KW Brown - Journal of social and clinical …, 2010 - Guilford Press
We examine the effects of weekend versus weekday and work versus nonwork experiences
on mood and other well-being indicators in a sample of 74 men and women employed in a …

The personality structure of affect.

E Diener, H Smith, F Fujita - Journal of personality and social …, 1995 - psycnet.apa.org
We examined the organization of individual differences in pleasant affect, unpleasant affect,
and six discrete emotions. We used several refinements over past studies: a) systematic …

Event-sampling and other methods for studying everyday experience.

HT Reis, SL Gable - 2000 - psycnet.apa.org
Describes everyday experience methods from both conceptual and practical vantage points.
The chapter begins with a conceptual rationale, covering the paradigm's special perspective …

Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy subjects during winter

ATG Lansdowne, SC Provost - Psychopharmacology, 1998 - Springer
Mood changes synchronised to the seasons exist on a continuum between individuals, with
anxiety and depression increasing during the winter months. An extreme form of seasonality …

Day-of-week mood patterns in the United States: On the existence of 'Blue Monday','Thank God it's Friday'and weekend effects

AA Stone, S Schneider, JK Harter - The Journal of Positive …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
There are many beliefs about the patterning of positive and negative mood over the course
of the week. Support has been found for 'Blue Monday','Thank God it's Friday'and Weekdays …

Affect measurement in experience sampling research

U Schimmack - Journal of Happiness Studies, 2003 - Springer
Experience-sampling studies are used to study the emotional component of subjective well-
being (hedonic balance). This manuscript examines conceptual and methodological issues …