Interpreting and understanding logits, probits, and other nonlinear probability models

R Breen, KB Karlson, A Holm - annual review of sociology, 2018 -
Methods textbooks in sociology and other social sciences routinely recommend the use of
the logit or probit model when an outcome variable is binary, an ordered logit or ordered …

Intelligence and socioeconomic success: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal research

T Strenze - Intelligence, 2007 - Elsevier
The relationship between intelligence and socioeconomic success has been the source of
numerous controversies. The present paper conducted a meta-analysis of the longitudinal …

The class ceiling: Why it pays to be privileged

S Friedman, D Laurison - 2020 -
In The Class Ceiling, authors Sam Friedman and Daniel Laurison deftly dismantle popular
(and often highly politicized) myths about inequality and meritocracy in the UK. First, and …

[图书][B] The toxic meritocracy of video games: Why gaming culture is the worst

CA Paul - 2018 -
An avid gamer and sharp media critic explains meritocracy's negative contribution to video
game culture—and what can be done about it Video games have brought entertainment …

[引用][C] Work-lifestyle choices in the 21st century: Preference theory

C Hakim - 2000 -
In this book, Hakim presents a new, multi-disciplinary theory for explaining and predicting
current and future patterns of women's choice between employment and family work …

[图书][B] On sociology: Numbers, narratives, and the integration of research and theory

JH Goldthorpe - 2000 -
On Sociology brings together a collection of essays all written in the last ten years by one of
the best-known and influential British sociologist, John H. Goldthorpe. The essays are …

familiäre Lebensverhältnisse, Bildungsbeteiligung und kompetenzerwerb im nationalen Vergleich

J Baumert, G Schümer - PISA 2000—Die Länder der Bundesrepublik …, 2002 - Springer
Die familiären Lebensverhältnisse, unter denen Kinder und Jugendliche aufwachsen, sind
wichtige kulturelle und soziale Ressourcen, die Bildungswege zwar nicht vom Kindergarten …

Intergenerational inequality: A sociological perspective

R Erikson, JH Goldthorpe - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2002 -
When economists are concerned with the inheritance of inequality, they typically focus on
the intergenerational transmission of income or wealth. In contrast, sociologists are more …

Social class in Europe

D Rose, E Harrison - An introduction to the European Socio …, 2010 -
In 1999, as part of its Statistical Harmonization Programme, Eurostat (the Statistical Office of
the European Com munities) commissioned an Expert Group to make recommendations for …

[图书][B] On sociology second edition volume two: Illustration and retrospect

JH Goldthorpe - 2007 -
Page 1 STUDIES IN SOCIAL INEQUALITY On Sociology Second Edition Volume Two
Illustration and Retrospect JOHN H. GOLDTHORPE Page 2 Page 3 ON SOCIOLOGY …