A comprehensive review on 3D object detection and 6D pose estimation with deep learning
Nowadays, computer vision with 3D (dimension) object detection and 6D (degree of
freedom) pose assumptions are widely discussed and studied in the field. In the 3D object …
freedom) pose assumptions are widely discussed and studied in the field. In the 3D object …
Challenges for monocular 6d object pose estimation in robotics
Object pose estimation is a core perception task that enables, for example, object
manipulation and scene understanding. The widely available, inexpensive, and high …
manipulation and scene understanding. The widely available, inexpensive, and high …
Epro-pnp: Generalized end-to-end probabilistic perspective-n-points for monocular object pose estimation
Locating 3D objects from a single RGB image via Perspective-n-Points (PnP) is a long-
standing problem in computer vision. Driven by end-to-end deep learning, recent studies …
standing problem in computer vision. Driven by end-to-end deep learning, recent studies …
Zebrapose: Coarse to fine surface encoding for 6dof object pose estimation
Establishing correspondences from image to 3D has been a key task of 6DoF object pose
estimation for a long time. To predict pose more accurately, deeply learned dense maps …
estimation for a long time. To predict pose more accurately, deeply learned dense maps …
3d-aware neural body fitting for occlusion robust 3d human pose estimation
Regression-based methods for 3D human pose estimation directly predict the 3D pose
parameters from a 2D image using deep networks. While achieving state-of-the-art …
parameters from a 2D image using deep networks. While achieving state-of-the-art …
Relpose: Predicting probabilistic relative rotation for single objects in the wild
We describe a data-driven method for inferring the camera viewpoints given multiple images
of an arbitrary object. This task is a core component of classic geometric pipelines such as …
of an arbitrary object. This task is a core component of classic geometric pipelines such as …
Object pose estimation with statistical guarantees: Conformal keypoint detection and geometric uncertainty propagation
The two-stage object pose estimation paradigm first detects semantic keypoints on the
image and then estimates the 6D pose by minimizing reprojection errors. Despite performing …
image and then estimates the 6D pose by minimizing reprojection errors. Despite performing …
Rnnpose: Recurrent 6-dof object pose refinement with robust correspondence field estimation and pose optimization
DoF object pose estimation from a monocular image is challenging, and a post-refinement
procedure is generally needed for high-precision estimation. In this paper, we propose a …
procedure is generally needed for high-precision estimation. In this paper, we propose a …
Learning symmetry-aware geometry correspondences for 6d object pose estimation
Current 6D pose estimation methods focus on handling objects that are previously trained,
which limits their applications in real dynamic world. To this end, we propose a geometry …
which limits their applications in real dynamic world. To this end, we propose a geometry …
Category-level 6d object pose estimation in the wild: A semi-supervised learning approach and a new dataset
Abstract 6D object pose estimation is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision
and robotics research. While a lot of recent efforts have been made on generalizing pose …
and robotics research. While a lot of recent efforts have been made on generalizing pose …