Displaying conversation views in a conversation-based email system

PT Buchheit, BW Chang, JY Lim, S Singh - US Patent 7,818,378, 2010 - Google Patents
A method and system of processing messages is described that includes receiving a
plurality of messages directed to a user, wherein each message has a unique message …

Determining relevance of electronic content

J Marston, P Marston - US Patent 7,716,217, 2010 - Google Patents
US7716217B2 - Determining relevance of electronic content - Google Patents US7716217B2 -
Determining relevance of electronic content - Google Patents Determining relevance of …

Associating email messages with conversations

PT Buchheit, S Singh - US Patent 8,150,924, 2012 - Google Patents
6,151,596 6,182,098 6,185.551 6,330,589 6,350,066 6,408.297 6.421, 694 6,493,702
6,493,703 6,507,351 6,549,957 6,594,693 6,606,644 6,665,668 6,683,627 6,708,205 …

Email conversation management system

P Buchheit, S Singh - US Patent 7,814,155, 2010 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system and method are disclosed for producing a list of conversation as
the result of a search query. Messages are received and associated with a conversation …

Method and system for enterprise-wide retention of digital or electronic data

R Gomes - US Patent 8,375,008, 2013 - Google Patents
56 References Cited rovide a comprehensive solution to retaining electronic data pp 9.
within an enterprise. Data may come from backup tapes or a US PATENT DOCUMENTS …

Categorizing, voting and rating community threads

B Canning, S Kikkert, S Anderson - US Patent App. 10/903,003, 2006 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A System and corresponding methods for categorizing a discussion thread
is provided. In one embodiment, a method for categorizing a discussion thread includes …

Email system with conversation-centric user interface

P Buchheit, S Singh - US Patent 7,912,904, 2011 - Google Patents
6,549,957 6,594,693 6,606,644 6,665,668 6,683,627 6,708,205 6,725,228 6,745, 197
6,757,889 6,771,291 6,785,869 6,820,081 6,889,361 6,892,196 7,017,173 7,035,903 …

Adaptive multi-line view user interface

JC Satterfield, RH Leukart, ME Van Tilburg… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
An adaptive multi-line view user interface is provided that varies the manner in which data is
displayed as the size of the user interface is changed. As the available horizontal space in …

Automatic conversation techniques

M Affronti, A Brauninger, RE Mccann, J Edelen… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,823,283 A 4, 1989 Diehmet al. 5,155,806 A 10, 1992 Hoeber
et al. 5,220,675 A 6, 1993 Padawer et al. 5,247.438 A 9, 1993 Subas et al. 5,305,435 A 4 …

Conversation-based email messaging

PT Buchheit, BWW Chang, JY Lim… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
A method and system for searching messages is disclosed that includes searching a
message repository to identify a plurality of conversations that each include at least one …