The nexus between economic growth, stock market depth, trade openness, and foreign direct investment: the case of ASEAN countries

RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, JH Hall - The Singapore Economic Review, 2019 - World Scientific
Many studies have investigated the causal relationship between economic growth and the
depth in the stock market, between economic growth and trade openness, or between …

Telecommunications infrastructure and usage and the FDI–growth nexus: evidence from Asian-21 countries

RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, M Nair, J Mittal… - Information …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines causal relationships between telecommunications infrastructure and
usage (TEL), foreign direct investment (FDI), and economic growth in the Asian-21 countries …

Foreign direct investment in Mexico, crime, and economic forces

R Cabral, AV Mollick, E Saucedo - Contemporary Economic …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This paper re‐examines inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the 32 subnational
Mexican states based on quarterly data from 2005 to 2015, which includes rising drug …

Foreign aid, economic growth, FDI, and trade openness in lower middle-income countries: A dynamic panel data analysis

R Pradhan, BM Arvin - Handbook on the economics of foreign aid, 2015 -
A primary objective of foreign aid is to foster economic development. 1 Although economic
development does not always mean economic growth, there has been much theoretical …

Exportaciones en México: un análisis de cointegración y causalidad (1980-2012)

M Heras Villanueva, C Gómez Chiñas - Norteamérica, 2015 -
En el presente artículo se analiza la relación entre las exportaciones y el producto,
mediante técnicas econométricas de series de tiempo multivariadas (prueba de …

The role of FDI on exports performance: evidence from the Mexican States

R Cabral, JA Alvarado - International Regional Science …, 2021 -
This article examines manufacturing export determinants across Mexican states and regions
from 2007 to 2015. Paying particular attention to the role of FDI, the analysis considers …

Leveraging growth spillovers to navigate CARICOM trade relations in the post-COVID-19 global space

R Hosein, R Gookool, G Saridakis… - EuroMed Journal of …, 2023 -
Purpose The phenomenon of growth spillover occurs because of domestic shocks, global
shocks and shocks to a foreign country or region, and these are transmitted through specific …

How foreign direct investments drive trade flows in emerging economies

B Bari, Z Adali - Third Sector Social Economic Review, 2021 -
Bu çalışma 1979-2019 dönemi için aralarında Türkiye, Hindistan, Çin, Meksika, Brezilya ve
Endonezya'nın yer aldıǧı yükselen piyasa ekonomilerinde DYY'lerin dış ticareti nasıl …

International trade policies and development

Rajagopal, V Zlatev, Rajagopal, V Zlatev - Business Dynamics in North …, 2018 - Springer
The role of government in promoting international trade is more significant than the
entrepreneurial efforts. The diplomatic relations, fiscal and monetary policies, and public …

Determinants of migration: the role of social and trade policies

E Mahendra - 2017 -
The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of social and trade policies as
determinants of migration. The thesis has four core independent chapters that aim to …