A survey of traceability in requirements engineering and model-driven development

S Winkler, J von Pilgrim - Software & Systems Modeling, 2010 - Springer
Traceability—the ability to follow the life of software artifacts—is a topic of great interest to
software developers in general, and to requirements engineers and model-driven …

Automated continuous integration of component-based software: An industrial experience

S Kim, S Park, J Yun, Y Lee - 2008 23rd IEEE/ACM …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
When a software product is composed of dozens of or even hundreds of components with
complicated dependency relationship among each other, one component's change can …

Model based testing for agent systems

Z Zhang, J Thangarajah, L Padgham - International Conference on …, 2007 - Springer
Although agent technology is gaining world wide popularity, a hindrance to its uptake is the
lack of proper testing mechanisms for agent based systems. While many traditional software …

Cell Phones in the L2 Classroom: Thumbs up to SMS

RC Meurant - 2006 International Conference on Hybrid …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Virtual learning communities are radically redefining the traditional SLA classroom, where
computer-mediated language learning is becoming significant, with increased use being …

Software engineering documentation: an ontology-based approach

AP Ambrósio, DC de Santos… - WebMedia and LA …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The number of artifacts used and generated by the software development process can be
meaningful. However, as specifications evolve towards source code, the connection …

Requirements management tool with evolving traceability for heterogeneous artifacts in the entire life cycle

Y Hong, M Kim, SW Lee - 2010 Eighth ACIS International …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There are significant factors in software project management, cost, effort, and quality. Much
software engineering works have focused on these. When it comes to software quality …

The molhado hypertext versioning system

TN Nguyen, EV Munson, JT Boyland - Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM …, 2004 - dl.acm.org
This paper describes Molhado, a hypertext versioning and software configuration
management system that is distinguished from previous systems by its flexible product …

[PDF][PDF] Using fine-grained differencing to evolve traceability links

B Sharif, JI Maletic - International Symposium on Grand Challenges in …, 2007 - Citeseer
An approach to support the sustained evolution of traceability links is proposed and outlined.
A fine-grained differencing approach on the link endpoints is used to maintain the links in a …

Object-oriented configuration management technology can improve software architectural traceability

TN Nguyen, EV Munson, C Thao - Third ACIS Int'l conference …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Software development is a dynamic process where engineers constantly modify and refine
their systems. As a consequence, everything evolves including designs, system's …

Architectural software configuration management in Molhado

TN Nguyen, EV Munson, JT Boyland… - 20th IEEE International …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Software development is a dynamic process where engineers constantly modify and refine
their systems. As a consequence, everything evolves including designs, system's …