Nonlocal minimal surfaces: recent developments, applications, and future directions

J Serra - SeMA Journal, 2024 - Springer
Nonlocal minimal surfaces: recent developments, applications, and future directions | SeMA
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Nonlocal approximation of minimal surfaces: optimal estimates from stability

H Chan, S Dipierro, J Serra, E Valdinoci - arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.06328, 2023 -
Minimal surfaces in closed 3-manifolds are classically constructed via the Almgren-Pitts
approach. The Allen-Cahn approximation has proved to be a powerful alternative, and …

Approximation of fractional harmonic maps

H Antil, S Bartels, A Schikorra - IMA Journal of Numerical …, 2023 -
This paper addresses the approximation of fractional harmonic maps. Besides a unit-length
constraint, one has to tackle the difficulty of nonlocality. We establish weak compactness …

Partial regularity for fractional harmonic maps into spheres

V Millot, M Pegon, A Schikorra - Archive for Rational Mechanics and …, 2021 - Springer
This article addresses the regularity issue for stationary or minimizing fractional harmonic
maps into spheres of order s ∈ (0, 1) s∈(0, 1) in arbitrary dimensions. It is shown that such …

One-dimensional half-harmonic maps into the circle and their degree

L Martinazzi, A Hyder - arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.18037, 2024 -
Given a half-harmonic map $ u\in\dot H^{\frac {1}{2}, 2}(\mathbb {R},\mathbb {S}^ 1) $
minimizing the fractional Dirichlet energy under Dirichlet boundary conditions in $\mathbb …

A global regularity theory for shpere-valued fractional harmonic maps

Y He, CL Xiang, GF Zheng - arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.02442, 2024 -
In this paper we consider sphere-valued stationary/minimizing fractional harmonic mappings
introduced in recent years by several authors, especially by Millot-Pegon-Schikorra\cite …

Minimal W s, ns W^s,ns‐harmonic maps in homotopy classes

K Mazowiecka, A Schikorra - Journal of the London …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Let Σ Σ a closed nn‐dimensional manifold, N⊂ RM N⊂R^M be a closed manifold, and let
u∈ W s, ns (Σ, N) u∈W^s,ns(Σ,N) for s∈(0, 1) s∈(0,1). We extend the monumental work of …

On sequences of martingales with jumps on Riemannian submanifolds

F Okazaki - arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.17118, 2024 -
In this article, we investigate sequences of discontinuous martingales on submanifolds of
higher-dimensional Euclidean space. Those sequences naturally arise when we deal with a …

[PDF][PDF] Report of the ANR project “Mathematical Analysis of Topological Singularities in some physical problems”(MAToS), 2015-2019

R Côte, R Ignat, S Le Coz, M Maris, V Millot, D Smets -
This is the final report of the ANR project 14-CE25-0009-01 entitled “Mathematical Analysis
of Topological Singularities in some physical problems”(MAToS) that was developed by the …

[PDF][PDF] Quelques contributions à des problèmes variationnels géométriques impliquant des énergies non locales Some contributions to geometric variational problems …

M Pegon - 2019 -
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude de deux problèmes variationnels géométriques impliquant
des énergies non-locales: d'une part, la géométrie et les singularités des applications …