Applications of text mining in the transportation infrastructure sector: a review

S Chowdhury, A Alzarrad - Information, 2023 -
Transportation infrastructure is vital to the well-functioning of economic activities in a region.
Due to the digitalization of data storage, ease of access to large databases, and …

Web metadata extraction and semantic indexing for learning objects extraction

J Atkinson, A Gonzalez, M Munoz, H Astudillo - Applied Intelligence, 2014 - Springer
Secondary-school teachers are in constant need of finding relevant digital resources to
support specific didactic goals. Unfortunately, generic search engines do not allow them to …

A survey of association rule mining in text applications

J Manimaran, T Velmurugan - 2013 IEEE International …, 2013 -
In data mining, association rule is an eminent research field to discover frequent pattern in
data repositories of either real world datasets or synthetic datasets. As an association rule …

A smooth introduction to symbolic methods for knowledge discovery

A Napoli - Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science, 2005 - Elsevier
In this chapter, we present a smooth introduction to symbolic methods for knowledge
discovery in databases (KDD). The KDD process extracts from large databases information …

Towards a text mining methodology using association rule extraction

H Cherfi, A Napoli, Y Toussaint - Soft Computing, 2006 - Springer
This paper proposes a methodology for text mining relying on the classical knowledge
discovery loop, with a number of adaptations. First, texts are indexed and prepared to be …

Rapid software prototyping using ajax and google map api

F Rousseaux, K Lhoste - 2009 Second International …, 2009 -
Nowadays, when the evolution of IT tools is faster than ever, the user's needs are evolving
even faster. For a software company such a context is difficult to be handled because, within …

Mining association rules in temporal document collections

K Nørvåg, TØ Eriksen, KI Skogstad - … ISMIS 2006, Bari, Italy, September 27 …, 2006 - Springer
In this paper we describe how to mine association rules in temporal document collections.
We describe how to perform the various steps in the temporal text mining process, including …

Structuration des manuscrits: Du corpus à la région

A Crasson, JD Fekete - … Internationale Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le …, 2004 -
La gestion de manuscrits en tant que document numérique n'a jamais été convenablement
traitée: images pour certains, documents textuels pour d'autres. Nous proposons une …

Extraction de connaissances à partir de textes structurés

Y Toussaint - Document numérique, 2004 -
Résumé Cet article propose un schéma général d'extraction de connaissances à partir de
textes et situe la fouille de textes comme une étape particulière d'un processus complexe …

Incremental construction of alpha lattices and association rules

H Soldano, V Ventos, M Champesme… - … Conference on Knowledge …, 2010 - Springer
In this paper we discuss Alpha Galois lattices (Alpha lattices for short) and the
corresponding association rules. An alpha lattice is coarser than the related concept lattice …