Applications of text mining in the transportation infrastructure sector: a review
S Chowdhury, A Alzarrad - Information, 2023 -
Transportation infrastructure is vital to the well-functioning of economic activities in a region.
Due to the digitalization of data storage, ease of access to large databases, and …
Due to the digitalization of data storage, ease of access to large databases, and …
Web metadata extraction and semantic indexing for learning objects extraction
Secondary-school teachers are in constant need of finding relevant digital resources to
support specific didactic goals. Unfortunately, generic search engines do not allow them to …
support specific didactic goals. Unfortunately, generic search engines do not allow them to …
A survey of association rule mining in text applications
J Manimaran, T Velmurugan - 2013 IEEE International …, 2013 -
In data mining, association rule is an eminent research field to discover frequent pattern in
data repositories of either real world datasets or synthetic datasets. As an association rule …
data repositories of either real world datasets or synthetic datasets. As an association rule …
A smooth introduction to symbolic methods for knowledge discovery
A Napoli - Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science, 2005 - Elsevier
In this chapter, we present a smooth introduction to symbolic methods for knowledge
discovery in databases (KDD). The KDD process extracts from large databases information …
discovery in databases (KDD). The KDD process extracts from large databases information …
Towards a text mining methodology using association rule extraction
H Cherfi, A Napoli, Y Toussaint - Soft Computing, 2006 - Springer
This paper proposes a methodology for text mining relying on the classical knowledge
discovery loop, with a number of adaptations. First, texts are indexed and prepared to be …
discovery loop, with a number of adaptations. First, texts are indexed and prepared to be …
Rapid software prototyping using ajax and google map api
F Rousseaux, K Lhoste - 2009 Second International …, 2009 -
Nowadays, when the evolution of IT tools is faster than ever, the user's needs are evolving
even faster. For a software company such a context is difficult to be handled because, within …
even faster. For a software company such a context is difficult to be handled because, within …
Mining association rules in temporal document collections
K Nørvåg, TØ Eriksen, KI Skogstad - … ISMIS 2006, Bari, Italy, September 27 …, 2006 - Springer
In this paper we describe how to mine association rules in temporal document collections.
We describe how to perform the various steps in the temporal text mining process, including …
We describe how to perform the various steps in the temporal text mining process, including …
Structuration des manuscrits: Du corpus à la région
A Crasson, JD Fekete - … Internationale Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le …, 2004 -
La gestion de manuscrits en tant que document numérique n'a jamais été convenablement
traitée: images pour certains, documents textuels pour d'autres. Nous proposons une …
traitée: images pour certains, documents textuels pour d'autres. Nous proposons une …
Extraction de connaissances à partir de textes structurés
Y Toussaint - Document numérique, 2004 -
Résumé Cet article propose un schéma général d'extraction de connaissances à partir de
textes et situe la fouille de textes comme une étape particulière d'un processus complexe …
textes et situe la fouille de textes comme une étape particulière d'un processus complexe …
Incremental construction of alpha lattices and association rules
In this paper we discuss Alpha Galois lattices (Alpha lattices for short) and the
corresponding association rules. An alpha lattice is coarser than the related concept lattice …
corresponding association rules. An alpha lattice is coarser than the related concept lattice …