On the convergence of adaptive stochastic collocation for elliptic partial differential equations with affine diffusion

M Eigel, OG Ernst, B Sprungk, L Tamellini - SIAM Journal on Numerical …, 2022 - SIAM
Convergence of an adaptive collocation method for the parametric stationary diffusion
equation with finite-dimensional affine coefficient is shown. The adaptive algorithm relies on …

Convergence of adaptive stochastic Galerkin FEM

A Bespalov, D Praetorius, L Rocchi, M Ruggeri - SIAM Journal on Numerical …, 2019 - SIAM
We propose and analyze novel adaptive algorithms for the numerical solution of elliptic
partial differential equations with parametric uncertainty. Four different marking strategies …

Adaptive stochastic Galerkin FEM for lognormal coefficients in hierarchical tensor representations

M Eigel, M Marschall, M Pfeffer, R Schneider - Numerische Mathematik, 2020 - Springer
Stochastic Galerkin methods for non-affine coefficient representations are known to cause
major difficulties from theoretical and numerical points of view. In this work, an adaptive …

Error estimation and adaptivity for stochastic collocation finite elements part I: single-level approximation

A Bespalov, DJ Silvester, F Xu - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2022 - SIAM
A general adaptive refinement strategy for solving linear elliptic partial differential equations
with random data is proposed and analysed herein. The adaptive strategy extends the a …

Error estimation and adaptivity for stochastic collocation finite elements Part II: multilevel approximation

A Bespalov, D Silvester - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2023 - SIAM
A multilevel adaptive refinement strategy for solving linear elliptic partial differential
equations with random data is recalled in this work. The strategy extends the a posteriori …

T-IFISS: a toolbox for adaptive FEM computation

A Bespalov, L Rocchi, D Silvester - Computers & Mathematics with …, 2021 - Elsevier
T-IFISS is a finite element software package for studying finite element solution algorithms
for deterministic and parametric elliptic partial differential equations. The emphasis is on self …

Convergence and rate optimality of adaptive multilevel stochastic Galerkin FEM

A Bespalov, D Praetorius… - IMA Journal of Numerical …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
We analyze an adaptive algorithm for the numerical solution of parametric elliptic partial
differential equations in two-dimensional physical domains, with coefficients and right-hand …

An adaptive stochastic Galerkin method based on multilevel expansions of random fields: Convergence and optimality

M Bachmayr, I Voulis - ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and …, 2022 - esaim-m2an.org
The subject of this work is a new stochastic Galerkin method for second-order elliptic partial
differential equations with random diffusion coefficients. It combines operator compression in …

Two-level a posteriori error estimation for adaptive multilevel stochastic Galerkin finite element method

A Bespalov, D Praetorius, M Ruggeri - SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty …, 2021 - SIAM
The paper considers a class of parametric elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs),
where the coefficients and the right-hand side function depend on infinitely many (uncertain) …

Dynamical low rank approximation for uncertainty quantification of time-dependent problems

E Vidlicková - 2022 - infoscience.epfl.ch
The quantification of uncertainties can be particularly challenging for problems requiring
long-time integration as the structure of the random solution might considerably change over …