[HTML][HTML] Border disputes, conflicts, war, and financial markets research: a systematic review
Border disputes, conflicts, and war have long existed and have evidenced impacts on
financial markets. However, the extant literature needs to be revisited in light of existing …
financial markets. However, the extant literature needs to be revisited in light of existing …
Utility-based predictions of military escalation: Why experts forecasted Russia would not invade Ukraine
JJ Driedger, M Polianskii - Contemporary Security Policy, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
When Russia amassed troops in the winter of 2021–2022, many analysts deemed a large-
scale invasion of Ukraine unlikely. Surveying the expert literature, we establish that these …
scale invasion of Ukraine unlikely. Surveying the expert literature, we establish that these …
[HTML][HTML] Elusive effects of export embargoes for fossil energy resources
Unlike produced commodities, the extraction and sale of fossil energy resources such as oil
or natural gas is an “asset swap”: assets stored in the ground are converted into financial …
or natural gas is an “asset swap”: assets stored in the ground are converted into financial …
Bene pubblico globale o arma finanziaria? L'egemonia del dollaro alla prova delle sanzioni
L Fantacci, L Gobbi, D Luciani - Moneta e Credito, 2022 - rosa.uniroma1.it
Nonostante il peso decrescente degli Stati Uniti nel commercio e nella produzione globale,
il dollaro conserva il ruolo di moneta internazionale, restando la valuta più utilizzata in tutto il …
il dollaro conserva il ruolo di moneta internazionale, restando la valuta più utilizzata in tutto il …
The impact of economic sanctions on the industrial regions of Russia (the case of Sverdlovsk region)
AV Stepanov, AS Burnasov… - R-Economy. 2022. Vol …, 2022 - elar.urfu.ru
Relevance. The turbulence of the global economy and pressure from sanctions have
become a serious challenge for the Russian economy. Industry is hit the hardest as it is …
become a serious challenge for the Russian economy. Industry is hit the hardest as it is …
Who cares about sanctions? Observations from annual reports of European firms
This paper uses textual analysis to examine how European corporations assess sanctions in
their annual reports. Using observations from a panel of almost 11,500 corporate annual …
their annual reports. Using observations from a panel of almost 11,500 corporate annual …
Can the side effects of sanctions and energy inflation trigger the disintegration of the international monetary regime?
This article aims to discuss the impact of the energy crisis exacerbated by the Russo-
Ukrainian war on the general macroeconomic performance and income distribution of the …
Ukrainian war on the general macroeconomic performance and income distribution of the …
Commentary–Should Washington Have Pressed Kyiv into A Compromise with Moscow?
A Umland - World Affairs, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This article was submitted in late 2021, and became dated after Russia's demonstrative
preparation as well as start of an open, large-scale invasion of Ukraine early 2022. We …
preparation as well as start of an open, large-scale invasion of Ukraine early 2022. We …
[PDF][PDF] Verso la disgregazione del sistema monetario post 1971? I paesi in via di sviluppo e l'impatto delle sanzioni belliche sulla dollar hegemony
R Lampa - Moneta e Credito, 2022 - u-pad.unimc.it
Gli effetti avversi della liberalizzazione finanziaria e commerciale successiva al 1971 nei
paesi in via di sviluppo (PVS) sono consistiti in una lunga serie di episodi di crisi e volatilità …
paesi in via di sviluppo (PVS) sono consistiti in una lunga serie di episodi di crisi e volatilità …