Comparative bureaucratic politics

C Dahlström, V Lapuente - Annual Review of Political Science, 2022 -
This article discusses one of the most important institutions in the modern world, namely
public bureaucracies, from a comparative perspective. Bureaucratic organizations can be …

Smart specialisation, entrepreneurship and SMEs: issues and challenges for a results-oriented EU regional policy

P McCann, R Ortega-Argilés - Small Business Economics, 2016 - Springer
This paper discusses the ways that European regional policy has been re-shaped in order to
build on the role played by entrepreneurship in driving regional innovation. The various …

The global competitiveness report 2018

K Schwab - 2018 -
In the midst of rapid technological change, political polarization and a fragile economic
recovery, it is critical that we define, assess and implement new pathways to growth and …

[图书][B] La Revanche des contextes: Des mésaventures de l'ingénierie sociale en Afrique et au-delà

JPO de Sardan - 2021 -
Pourquoi les projets de développement, les interventions des ONG ou les politiques
publiques nationales sont-ils tous soumis à d'importants écarts entre ce qui était prévu et ce …

Challenge-driven innovation policy: towards a new policy toolkit

M Mazzucato, R Kattel, J Ryan-Collins - Journal of industry, competition …, 2020 - Springer
Policy makers are increasingly embracing the idea of using industrial and innovation policy
to tackle the 'grand challenges' facing modern societies. This article argues that through well …

The great convergence: Information technology and the new globalization

R Baldwin - The great convergence, 2018 -
Between 1820 and 1990, the share of world income going to today's wealthy nations soared
from twenty percent to almost seventy. Since then, that share has plummeted to where it was …

Getting the territory right: Infrastructure-led development and the re-emergence of spatial planning strategies

S Schindler, JM Kanai - Planning Regional Futures, 2021 -
This paper argues that infrastructure-led development constitutes an emergent international
development regime whose imperative is to 'get the territory right'. Spatial planning …

[图书][B] China's gilded age: The paradox of economic boom and vast corruption

YY Ang - 2020 -
Why has China grown so fast for so long despite vast corruption? In China's Gilded Age,
Yuen Yuen Ang maintains that all corruption is harmful, but not all types of corruption hurt …

Straight talk on trade: Ideas for a sane world economy

D Rodrik - 2017 -
Are economists responsible for Donald Trump's shocking victory in the US presidential
election? Economists might only wish they have the kind of power it takes to determine …

The impact of globalization, natural resources abundance, and human capital on financial development: Evidence from thirty-one OECD countries

SAH Zaidi, Z Wei, A Gedikli, MW Zafar, F Hou, Y Iftikhar - Resources policy, 2019 - Elsevier
Financial development is considered the backbone of a country's economic development. It
usually acts as a moderator of the effects of economic variables and impacts economic …