A review on fluid-induced flag vibrations

Y Yu, Y Liu, X Amandolese - Applied …, 2019 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Fluid-induced flag vibrations provide unattended, efficient, low-cost, and scalable solutions
for energy harvesting to power distributed wireless sensor nodes, heat transfer …

Dynamics of cylindrical structures in axial flow: A review

MP Païdoussis - Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper presents a review of research done to-date on the dynamics of cylindrical
structures immersed in axially flowing fluid. The dynamics of a flexible cylinder supported at …

Aeroelastic instability of cantilevered flexible plates in uniform flow

C Eloy, R Lagrange, C Souilliez… - Journal of Fluid …, 2008 - cambridge.org
We address the flutter instability of a flexible plate immersed in an axial flow. This instability
is similar to flag flutter and results from the competition between destabilizing pressure …

Flutter of a rectangular plate

C Eloy, C Souilliez, L Schouveiler - Journal of fluids and structures, 2007 - Elsevier
We address theoretically the linear stability of a variable aspect ratio, rectangular plate in a
uniform and incompressible axial flow. The flutter modes are assumed to be two …

Three-dimensional simulation of a flapping flag in a uniform flow

WX Huang, HJ Sung - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2010 - cambridge.org
A three-dimensional computational model is developed for simulating the flag motion in a
uniform flow. The nonlinear dynamics of the coupled fluid–flag system after setting up of …

On the instability and the post-critical behaviour of two-dimensional cantilevered flexible plates in axial flow

L Tang, MP Paı - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the dynamics of a cantilevered plate subject to axial flow on both
surfaces, directed from the clamped to the free end. The system loses stability by flutter, a …

The canonical problem of the fluid-conveying pipe and radiation of the knowledge gained to other dynamics problems across applied mechanics

MP Paı - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008 - Elsevier
The basic dynamics of pipes conveying fluid is reviewed, establishing why this system has
become a model dynamical problem. The paper then discusses the radiation of the …

Coiling of elastic rods on rigid substrates

MK Jawed, F Da, J Joo, E Grinspun… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 - National Acad Sciences
We investigate the deployment of a thin elastic rod onto a rigid substrate and study the
resulting coiling patterns. In our approach, we combine precision model experiments …

Dynamics of an inverted flexible plate in a uniform flow

C Tang, NS Liu, XY Lu - Physics of Fluids, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
The dynamics of an inverted flexible plate with a free leading-edge and a fixed trailing-edge
in a uniform flow has been studied numerically by an immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann …

The origin of hysteresis in the flag instability

C Eloy, N Kofman, L Schouveiler - Journal of fluid mechanics, 2012 - cambridge.org
The flapping flag instability occurs when a flexible cantilevered plate is immersed in a
uniform airflow. To this day, the nonlinear aspects of this aeroelastic instability are largely …