Quantum trajectories and open many-body quantum systems
AJ Daley - Advances in Physics, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The study of open quantum systems–microscopic systems exhibiting quantum coherence
that are coupled to their environment–has become increasingly important in the past years …
that are coupled to their environment–has become increasingly important in the past years …
Algebraic theory of quantum synchronization and limit cycles under dissipation
Synchronization is a phenomenon where interacting particles lock their motion and display
non-trivial dynamics. Despite intense efforts studying synchronization in systems without …
non-trivial dynamics. Despite intense efforts studying synchronization in systems without …
Strongly correlated quantum fluids: ultracold quantum gases, quantum chromodynamic plasmas and holographic duality
Strongly correlated quantum fluids are phases of matter that are intrinsically quantum
mechanical and that do not have a simple description in terms of weakly interacting …
mechanical and that do not have a simple description in terms of weakly interacting …
Many-body physics of ultracold alkaline-earth atoms with SU (N)-symmetric interactions
E Ibarra-García-Padilla… - Journal of Physics …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
Symmetries play a crucial role in understanding phases of matter and the transitions
between them. Theoretical investigations of quantum models with SU (N) symmetry have …
between them. Theoretical investigations of quantum models with SU (N) symmetry have …
Metal-insulator transition and quantum magnetism in the SU (3) Fermi-Hubbard model
We develop a self-consistent variant of the constrained path quantum Monte Carlo approach
which ensures its independence of the trial wave function, and apply the method to compute …
which ensures its independence of the trial wave function, and apply the method to compute …
Universal thermodynamics of an Fermi-Hubbard model
The SU (2) symmetric Fermi-Hubbard model (FHM) plays an essential role in strongly
correlated fermionic many-body systems. In the one particle per site and strongly interacting …
correlated fermionic many-body systems. In the one particle per site and strongly interacting …
Quantum computing and quantum simulation with group-II atoms
AJ Daley - Quantum Information Processing, 2011 - Springer
Recent experimental progress in controlling neutral group-II atoms for optical clocks, and in
the production of degenerate gases with group-II atoms has given rise to novel opportunities …
the production of degenerate gases with group-II atoms has given rise to novel opportunities …
SU(N) magnetism with ultracold molecules
Quantum systems with SU (N) symmetry are paradigmatic settings for quantum many-body
physics. They have been studied for the insights they provide into complex materials and …
physics. They have been studied for the insights they provide into complex materials and …
Effective three-body interactions via photon-assisted tunneling in an optical lattice
We present a simple, experimentally realizable method to make coherent three-body
interactions dominate the physics of an ultracold lattice gas. Our scheme employs either …
interactions dominate the physics of an ultracold lattice gas. Our scheme employs either …
Ultracold bosons in zig-zag optical lattices
Ultracold bosons in zig-zag optical lattices present a rich physics due to the interplay
between frustration induced by lattice geometry, two-body interactions, and a three-body …
between frustration induced by lattice geometry, two-body interactions, and a three-body …