Research frontiers in magnetic materials at soft X-ray synchrotron radiation facilities

JB Kortright, DD Awschalom, J Stöhr, SD Bader… - Journal of Magnetism …, 1999 - Elsevier
Current and anticipated future research frontiers in magnetism and magnetic materials are
discussed from a perspective of soft X-ray synchrotron utilization. Topics covered include …

Neutron scattering studies of nanomagnetism and artificially structured materials

MR Fitzsimmons, SD Bader, JA Borchers… - Journal of Magnetism …, 2004 - Elsevier
Nanostructured magnetic materials are intensively investigated due to their unusual
properties and promise for possible applications. The key issue for these materials is to …

Systematic variation of the strength and oscillation period of indirect magnetic exchange coupling through the 3d, 4d, and 5d transition metals

SSP Parkin - Physical Review Letters, 1991 - APS
We show that oscillatory indirect magnetic exchange coupling via transition metals
sandwiched between ferromagnetic layers of Fe, Co, Ni, or Ni alloys is a general …

Oscillatory magnetic exchange coupling through thin copper layers

SSP Parkin, R Bhadra, KP Roche - Physical Review Letters, 1991 - APS
Confirming theoretical predictions more than 25 years old, we show that Co slabs are
indirectly exchange coupled via thin Cu layers with a coupling that alternates back and forth …

Magnetotransport properties of magnetically soft spin‐valve structures

B Dieny, VS Speriosu, S Metin, SSP Parkin… - Journal of Applied …, 1991 -
The magnetic and magnetotransport properties of several series of sandwiches consisting of
two ferromagnetic layers (Ni, Co, Ni80Fe20) separated by a noble metal (Cu, Ag, Au) are …

Ultrathin metallic magnetic films: magnetic anisotropies and exchange interactions

B Heinrich, JF Cochran - Advances in Physics, 1993 - Taylor & Francis
Ultrathin magnetic metallic films have beenintensity investigated and have resulted in a wide
range of exciting studies which are attractive to scientists working in the basic aspects of low …

Spin engineering: Direct determination of the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida far-field range function in ruthenium

SSP Parkin, D Mauri - Physical Review B, 1991 - APS
Oscillations in both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic indirect exchange coupling through
Ru are directly measured. Ferromagnetic coupling is determined by spin engineering …

Giant magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic Co/Cu multilayers

SSP Parkin, ZG Li, DJ Smith - Applied Physics Letters, 1991 -
We report giant values of saturation magnetoresistance in sputtered antiferromagnetic
Co/Cu multilayers containing thin Co and Cu layers 8–10 Å thick. We discuss the key …

Oscillatory interlayer coupling and giant magnetoresistance in Co/Cu multilayers

DH Mosca, F Petroff, A Fert, PA Schroeder… - Journal of magnetism …, 1991 - Elsevier
We have studied the magnetic and magneto-transport properties of Co/Cu multilayers
prepared by sputtering. We find oscillations of the interlayer coupling as a function of the Cu …

Observation of two different oscillation periods in the exchange coupling of Fe/Cr/Fe (100)

J Unguris, RJ Celotta, DT Pierce - Physical review letters, 1991 - APS
Oscillations of ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic exchange coupling between two Fe layers
separated by a Cr spacer of linearly increasing thickness were investigated by imaging the …