[PDF][PDF] Ship course stabilization by feedback linearization with adaptive object model

P Borkowski - Polish Maritime Research, 2014 - sciendo.com
The algorithm of ship course stabilization herein presented is based on a feedback
linearization controller with adaptive object model. The described method, consisting in …

[PDF][PDF] The design of ship autopilot by applying observer-based feedback linearization

Z Zwierzewicz - Polish Maritime Research, 2015 - sciendo.com
The paper considers the problem of ship autopilot design based on Bech's model of the
vessel. Since the model is highly nonlinear and some of the state vector coordinates are …

[PDF][PDF] On the ship course-keeping control system design by using robust feedback linearization

Z Zwierzewicz - Polish Maritime Research, 2013 - sciendo.com
In the paper the problem of ship autopilot design based on feedback linearization method
combined with the robust control approach, is considered. At first the nonlinear ship model …

Nonlinear adaptive tracking-control synthesis for general linearly parametrized systems

Z Zwierzewicz - Automation and Robotics, InTech, 2008 - books.google.com
A common problem of engineering practice is to cope with mathematical models of objects
with only partly known structure. The model may eg involve some unknown (linear or …

Ship guidance via nonlinear adaptive control synthesis

Z Zwierzewicz - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2007 - Elsevier
The paper is concerned with the problem of adaptive ship track-keeping system control
synthesis. It is assumed that a nonlinear ship dynamics (model structure) is (partially) …


P SZCZECIŃSKA, WT MORSKIEJ - researchgate.net
Ruch statku po zadanej trajektorii ma miejsce w następujących przypadkach:• gdy trasa toru
wodnego prowadzi przez cieśninę, przy przejściu przez rejony z płyciznami lub innymi …