[图书][B] Above politics
GJ Miller, AB Whitford - 2016 - books.google.com
Economic development requires secure contract enforcement and stable property rights.
Normal majority-rule politics, such as bargaining over distributive and monetary policies …
Normal majority-rule politics, such as bargaining over distributive and monetary policies …
[PDF][PDF] Strategic leadership in the nonprofit sector: Opportunities for research
KA Phipps, ME Burbach - Journal of Behavioral and Applied …, 2010 - researchgate.net
The field of strategic leadership, or the study of how top-level leaders influence
organizational performance, has not yet been widely extended to the nonprofit sector. Prior …
organizational performance, has not yet been widely extended to the nonprofit sector. Prior …
Institutional change and continuity in the European Union: The super-commissioner saga
Y Karagiannis, M Guidi - Acta Politica, 2014 - Springer
We analyse the politics surrounding the proposal to create a super-commissioner with
exclusive powers to veto national budgets in the European Union (EU). According to liberal …
exclusive powers to veto national budgets in the European Union (EU). According to liberal …
Leaders or Laggards: engendering sub-national governance through women's policy machineries in Spain and Poland
ME Rincker, CD Ortbals - Democratization, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
More than three decades of international best practice and a rich body of scholarship
demonstrate that women's policy machinery (WPM) is a crucial tool for promoting feminist …
demonstrate that women's policy machinery (WPM) is a crucial tool for promoting feminist …
김민, 남재준 - 한국체육정책학회지, 2022 - dbpia.co.kr
2016 년 대한민국 스포츠 조직 구조에는 커다란 변화가 있었다. 우리나라의 공공 체육단체는
엘리트 영역과 생활체육 영역으로 이분화되어 있었는데, 2015 년 발의된 국민체육진흥법 …
엘리트 영역과 생활체육 영역으로 이분화되어 있었는데, 2015 년 발의된 국민체육진흥법 …
Theoretical Background: Organizational Theories and the Research on International Organizations
S Hantscher, S Hantscher - The UNHCR and Disaster Displacement in the …, 2019 - Springer
This chapter takes a theoretical stance and discusses approaches from organizational
theory to address the research gap that exists on the topic of environmentally displaced …
theory to address the research gap that exists on the topic of environmentally displaced …
The role of trust in top accounting journals
ACN van de Ven, B Verstegen - Available at SSRN 967280, 2007 - papers.ssrn.com
From management literature trust comes forward as an important element in the functioning
and performance of organizations. Its role in generating legitimacy for an organization is …
and performance of organizations. Its role in generating legitimacy for an organization is …
Emotional intelligence and turnover rate among metro and non-metro public child welfare workers
MK McCollister - 2014 - search.proquest.com
This quantitative study examined both metro and non-metro public child welfare workers
using the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Social exchange …
using the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Social exchange …
ONE OF the most fascinating and revealing forms of organizational
GJ MILLER - Trust and Distrust In Organizations: Dilemmas and …, 2004 - books.google.com
Svejkˇwas taking advantage of a basic fact known to members of most organizations: it is
simply impossible to specify in advance all the behaviors that the organization will require …
simply impossible to specify in advance all the behaviors that the organization will require …
[引用][C] Negotiated Compliance: Social Solutions to the “Principal's Problem”
AB Whitford, GJ Miller, WP Bottom - 2008