[HTML][HTML] Multi-country collaboration in responding to global infectious disease threats: lessons for Europe from the COVID-19 pandemic

M Jit, A Ananthakrishnan, M McKee… - The Lancet Regional …, 2021 - thelancet.com
Since 2005, the world has faced several public health emergencies of international concern
arising from infectious disease outbreaks. Of these, the COVID-19 pandemic has had by far …

Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 variants: a brief review and practical implications

KL Candido, CR Eich, LO de Fariña… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
The scientific community has been alarmed by the possible immunological evasion, higher
infectivity, and severity of disease caused by the newest variants of SARS-CoV-2. The spike …

Reasons for taking the COVID-19 vaccine by US social media users

A Benis, A Seidmann, S Ashkenazi - Vaccines, 2021 - mdpi.com
Political and public health leaders promoting COVID-19 vaccination should identify the most
relevant criteria driving the vaccination decision. Social media is increasingly used as a …

Exploring COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among stakeholders in African American and Latinx communities in the Deep South through the lens of the health belief model

LB Bateman, AG Hall, WA Anderson… - American Journal of …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Purpose The purpose of this study was to qualitatively explore perceptions related to COVID-
19 vaccination intention among African American and Latinx participants and suggest …

The societal value of vaccination in the age of COVID-19

DE Bloom, D Cadarette… - American Journal of …, 2021 - ajph.aphapublications.org
In recent years, academics and policymakers have increasingly recognized that the full
societal value of vaccination encompasses broad health, economic, and social benefits …

The impact of social media on the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine: a cross-sectional study from Saudi Arabia

A Alfatease, AM Alqahtani, K Orayj… - Patient preference and …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Introduction Social media platforms are used by many people to seek and share health-
related information that may influence their decision-making about COVID-19 vaccination …

[HTML][HTML] COVID-19 vaccine allocation: Modeling health outcomes and equity implications of alternative strategies

M Ferranna, D Cadarette, DE Bloom - Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Given the scarcity of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, a chief policy question is how to
allocate them among different sociodemographic groups. This paper evaluates COVID-19 …

The impact of armed conflict on the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in Libya, Syria and Yemen

MA Daw - Frontiers in public health, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Background: Since the Arab uprising in 2011, Libya, Syria and Yemen have gone through
major internal armed conflicts. This resulted in large numbers of deaths, injuries, and …

Vaccines for a sustainable planet

S Pecetta, A Nandi, C Weller, V Harris… - Science Translational …, 2023 - science.org
The health of the planet is one objective of the United Nations' Sustainable Development
Goals. Vaccines can affect not only human health but also planet health by reducing poverty …

Measuring COVID-19 vaccination coverage: an enhanced age-adjusted two-step floating catchment area model

A Mohammadi, A Mollalo, R Bergquist… - Infectious diseases of …, 2021 - Springer
Background There are only limited studies on access to COVID-19 vaccines and identifying
the most appropriate health centres for performing vaccination in metropolitan areas. This …