Foundational numerical capacities and the origins of dyscalculia

B Butterworth - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2010 -
One important cause of very low attainment in arithmetic (dyscalculia) seems to be a core
deficit in an inherited foundational capacity for numbers. According to one set of hypotheses …

Relationships between approximate number system acuity and early symbolic number abilities

C Mussolin, J Nys, J Leybaert, A Content - Trends in Neuroscience and …, 2012 - Elsevier
The present study assessed the relationships between approximate and exact number
abilities in children with little formal instruction to ask (1) whether individual differences in …

The development of numerical estimation: Evidence against a representational shift

HC Barth, AM Paladino - Developmental science, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
How do our mental representations of number change over development? The dominant
view holds that children (and adults) possess multiple representations of number, and that …

Association between basic numerical abilities and mathematics achievement

D Sasanguie, B De Smedt, E Defever… - British Journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Various measures have been used to investigate number processing in children, including a
number comparison or a number line estimation task. The present study aimed to examine …

Individual differences in nonsymbolic ratio processing predict symbolic math performance

PG Matthews, MR Lewis… - Psychological …, 2016 -
What basic capacities lay the foundation for advanced numerical cognition? Are there basic
nonsymbolic abilities that support the understanding of advanced numerical concepts, such …

Developmental change in numerical estimation.

EB Slusser, RT Santiago, HC Barth - Journal of Experimental …, 2013 -
Mental representations of numerical magnitude are commonly thought to undergo
discontinuous change over development in the form of a “representational shift.” This idea …

Does learning to count involve a semantic induction?

K Davidson, K Eng, D Barner - Cognition, 2012 - Elsevier
We tested the hypothesis that, when children learn to correctly count sets, they make a
semantic induction about the meanings of their number words. We tested the logical …

[图书][B] Introduction to language development

SM Kennison - 2013 -
There are between 4,000 and 6,000 languages remaining in the world and the
characteristics of these languages vary widely. How could an infant born today master any …

Impact of high mathematics education on the number sense

J Castronovo, SM Göbel - PloS one, 2012 -
In adult number processing two mechanisms are commonly used: approximate estimation of
quantity and exact calculation. While the former relies on the approximate number sense …

Today is tomorrow's yesterday: Children's acquisition of deictic time words

KA Tillman, T Marghetis, D Barner, M Srinivasan - Cognitive psychology, 2017 - Elsevier
Deictic time words like “yesterday” and “tomorrow” pose a challenge to children not only
because they are abstract, and label periods in time, but also because their denotations vary …