Computer assisted completion of hyperlink command segments
C Wright - US Patent 10,678,787, 2020 - Google Patents
US10678787B2 - Computer assisted completion of hyperlink command segments - Google
Patents US10678787B2 - Computer assisted completion of hyperlink command segments …
Patents US10678787B2 - Computer assisted completion of hyperlink command segments …
Dynamic join processing using real time merged notification listener
C Wright, R Caudy, DR Kent IV, M Zeldis… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
5,469.567 A 11/1995 Okada 5,504,885 A 4/1996 Alashqur 5,530 939 A 6/1996 Mansfield et
al. 5,568.632 A 10/1996 Nelson 5673369 A 9/1997 Kim 5,701.461 A 12/1997 Dalal et al. 5 …
al. 5,568.632 A 10/1996 Nelson 5673369 A 9/1997 Kim 5,701.461 A 12/1997 Dalal et al. 5 …
Dynamic updating of query result displays
R Caudy, DR Kent IV, C Wright, B Ries… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
US10922311B2 - Dynamic updating of query result displays - Google Patents US10922311B2
- Dynamic updating of query result displays - Google Patents Dynamic updating of query result …
- Dynamic updating of query result displays - Google Patents Dynamic updating of query result …
Computer data system data source refreshing using an update propagation graph
C Wright, R Caudy, DR Kent IV, H Bronnimann… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
US10572474B2 - Computer data system data source refreshing using an update
propagation graph - Google Patents US10572474B2 - Computer data system data source …
propagation graph - Google Patents US10572474B2 - Computer data system data source …
Computer data system position-index mapping
C Wright, R Caudy, DR Kent IV… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
US10691686B2 - Computer data system position-index mapping - Google Patents
US10691686B2 - Computer data system position-index mapping - Google Patents Computer data …
US10691686B2 - Computer data system position-index mapping - Google Patents Computer data …
Distributed and optimized garbage collection of exported data objects
R Caudy, DR Kent IV, C Wright… - US Patent 10,642,829, 2020 - Google Patents
US10642829B2 - Distributed and optimized garbage collection of exported data objects -
Google Patents US10642829B2 - Distributed and optimized garbage collection of exported …
Google Patents US10642829B2 - Distributed and optimized garbage collection of exported …
Query task processing based on memory allocation and performance criteria
C Wright, R Caudy, DR Kent IV, M Zeldis… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
US10552412B2 - Query task processing based on memory allocation and performance criteria
- Google Patents US10552412B2 - Query task processing based on memory allocation and …
- Google Patents US10552412B2 - Query task processing based on memory allocation and …
Historical data replay utilizing a computer system
DR Kent IV, R Caudy, C Wright, O Vydrov… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
US10915526B2 - Historical data replay utilizing a computer system - Google Patents
US10915526B2 - Historical data replay utilizing a computer system - Google Patents Historical …
US10915526B2 - Historical data replay utilizing a computer system - Google Patents Historical …
Optimizing domain queries for relational databases
A Vogelsgesang, M Then, J Finis… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
A database engine receives a database query that specifies retrieving data from a data
source. The database engine parses the query to build an operator tree that includes a …
source. The database engine parses the query to build an operator tree that includes a …
Computer data distribution architecture
DR Kent IV, R Caudy, C Wright… - US Patent 11,151,133, 2021 - Google Patents
US11151133B2 - Computer data distribution architecture - Google Patents US11151133B2 -
Computer data distribution architecture - Google Patents Computer data distribution …
Computer data distribution architecture - Google Patents Computer data distribution …