Implementation-related research in mathematics education: the search for identity

B Koichu, MS Aguilar, M Misfeldt - ZDM–Mathematics Education, 2021 - Springer
Implementation has always been a paramount concern of mathematics education, but only
recently has the conceptualizing and theorizing work on implementation as a phenomenon …

Conceptualizing teachers' interactions with resources in crossing languages and cultures

L Trouche, J Adler, JT Remillard - ZDM–Mathematics Education, 2023 - Springer
This paper introduces this special issue aiming to deepen and extend research on
mathematics teachers' work, from a resource perspective, by taking language and culture …

[图书][B] The'resource'approach to mathematics education

L Trouche, G Gueudet, B Pepin - 2019 - Springer
In the past two decades we have witnessed an enormous growth of interest in and
development of the relationship between teachers and the resources they use. The Re (s) …

The role of instructional materials in the relationship between the official curriculum and the enacted curriculum

J Choppin, A Roth McDuffie, C Drake… - … thinking and learning, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
We studied how the distal policy mechanisms of curricular aims and objectives articulated in
official curriculum documents influenced classroom instruction, and the factors that were …

[PDF][PDF] Developing Curricula Standards in General Education in the Light of International Standards

SA Al-Ajeely, MA Alkhawaldeh… - Migration …, 2023 -
This study aims to develop curricula standards in general education in the light of
international standards from the viewpoint of teachers in the Asir region. To achieve the …

Studying teachers' documentation work: Emergence of a theoretical approach

G Gueudet - The'resource'approach to Mathematics Education, 2019 - Springer
The documentational approach to didactics is a young theory–it was less than 10 years old
in 2018. In this chapter I look back at the process of development of this approach. I recall …

La estadística y la probabilidad en los currículos de matemáticas de educación infantil y primaria de seis países representativos en el campo

C Vásquez, G Cabrera - Educación matemática, 2022 -
En este estudio se caracteriza, cómo algunas de las principales orientaciones curriculares a
nivel internacional abordan la estadística y la probabilidad en Educación Infantil y …

Evidencing missing resources of the documentational approach to didactics. Toward ten programs of research/development for enriching this approach

L Trouche - The'resource'approach to Mathematics Education, 2019 - Springer
This chapter proposes a view from inside the documentational approach to didactics (DAD),
starting from determining some essential resources missing of DAD, to proposing ten …

Levering change: the contributory role of a mathematics teaching framework

J Adler - ZDM–Mathematics Education, 2021 - Springer
Levering change is hard, and an incremental process. In the education process it requires
an interaction between teachers, resources and learners. Levering change with human …

[图书][B] Pupil⇄ pedagogue: Grounded theories about biosocial interactions and axiology for deaf educators

ME Skyer - 2021 -
Together, this dissertation describes the combined importance of visuality, pedagogy, and
forces like power in deaf education. It documents a multimethod qualitative research design …