[PDF][PDF] Bulgaria: from 1879 to 1947

K Dimitrova, M Ivanov - South-Eastern European Monetary and Economic …, 2014 - bnb.bg
Almost immediately after gaining its independence on 3 March 1878, 3 Bulgaria started to
build its political, financial and administrative institutions. The Bulgarian National Bank …

[HTML][HTML] Ноономика как научная теория: ключевые тезисы и смыслы

АА Урасова - Journal of new economy, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
В научном экономическом дискурсе сформировался определенный пул теорий и
концепций, которые считаются общепринятыми, имеющими разработанную …

L'apport des banques populaires au progrès économique et social en Bulgarie entre les deux guerres (1919-1938)

T Marinova, N Nenovsky, P Toucas-Truyen - Revue internationale de l' …, 2017 - cairn.info
Issue d'une longue tradition mutualiste et solidaire de la population, la finance sociale en
Bulgarie a émergé dans des conditions politiques et économiques particulières. Le crédit …

[HTML][HTML] Theoretical Debates in Bulgaria during the Great Depression. Confronting Sombart, Marx and Keynes

N Nenovsky - Oeconomia. History, Methodology …, 2012 - journals.openedition.org
The main purpose of this article is to understand how Bulgarian economists interpreted the
Great Depression, by reviewing the theoretical models they used and the solutions they …

Методология моделирования процессов цифровизации экономики регионов РФ: технологические доминанты и отраслевая трансформация

АА Урасова - 2021 - elibrary.ru
В рамках данного издания представлены результаты исследования, посвященного
анализу процессов цифровизации экономики регионов РФ. Представленные …

Exchange rate control in Italy and Bulgaria in the interwar period. History and Perspectives

N Nenovsky, G Pavanelli, K Dimitrova - 2007 - ceeol.com
“Il mio sentimento d'amicizia per la Bulgaria è costante, sincero, disinteressato. Questo
sentimento è condiviso della totalità del popolo italiano. Credo fermamente nell'avvenire …

[HTML][HTML] Noonomics as a scientific theory: Key postulates and implications

AA Urasova - Journal of New Economy (переводная версия), 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Scientific economic discourse holds a certain pool of theories and concepts, which are now
considered generally accepted. They rely on a developed evidence base, have passed …

The evolution of the German historical school in Bulgaria (1878–1944)

N Nenovsky, PD Penchev - The German historical school and …, 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
The ideas of the German Historical School were disseminated in Bulgaria with some delay
due to the general economic, social and ideological falling behind of Bulgaria when …

[PDF][PDF] Cooperative Agricultural Farms in Bulgaria during Communism (1944-1989): an Institutional Reconstruction.

T Marinova, N Nenovsky - Romanian Economic Journal, 2019 - publications.hse.ru
The main task of the study is to reconstruct the evolution of the agrarian cooperative sector in
Bulgaria in the years of communism (1944-1989) from the standpoint of a longterm historical …

Austrian economics behind the iron curtain: The rebirth of an intellectual tradition

AJ Evans - The Review of Austrian Economics, 2010 - Springer
This article documents the spread of the Austrian school of economics in central and eastern
Europe following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Extensive research based on interviews …