Vicarious social defeat stress induces depression-related outcomes in female mice

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez, LM Riggs, JB Alipio… - Biological …, 2018 - Elsevier
Background Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses, wherein women
represent the majority of those affected by major depression. Despite the growing literature …

Vicarious social defeat stress induces depression-related outcomes in female mice.

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez, LM Riggs… - Biological …, 2018 -
Background: Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses, wherein women
represent the majority of those affected by major depression. Despite the growing literature …

Vicarious Social Defeat Stress Induces Depression-Related Outcomes in Female Mice

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez… - Biological …, 2018 -
Background Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses, wherein women
represent the majority of those affected by major depression. Despite the growing literature …

Vicarious Social Defeat Stress Induces Depression-Related Outcomes in Female Mice

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez… - Biological …, 2018 -
Background Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses, wherein women
represent the majority of those affected by major depression. Despite the growing literature …

[PDF][PDF] Vicarious social defeat stress induces depression-related outcomes in female mice

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez, LM Riggs… - Biological …, 2018 -
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses,
wherein women represent the majority of those affected by major depression. Despite the …

[引用][C] Vicarious Social Defeat Stress Induces Depression-Related Outcomes in Female Mice

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez, LM Riggs… - Biological …, 2018 -
Vicarious Social Defeat Stress Induces Depression-Related Outcomes in Female Mice | CiNii
Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲ恁縖サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォ恁啶匾動 …

[HTML][HTML] Vicarious Social Defeat Stress Induces Depression-related Outcomes in Female Mice

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez, LM Riggs… - Biological …, 2018 -
Background Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses, wherein women
represent the majority of those afflicted with major depression. Despite the growing literature …

[PDF][PDF] Priority Communication

VSDS Induces - 2017 -
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses,
wherein women represent the majority of those affected by major depression. Despite the …

Vicarious Social Defeat Stress Induces Depression-Related Outcomes in Female Mice.

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez, LM Riggs… - Biological …, 2017 -
Background Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses, wherein women
represent the majority of those affected by major depression. Despite the growing literature …

Vicarious Social Defeat Stress Induces Depression-Related Outcomes in Female Mice.

SD Iñiguez, FJ Flores-Ramirez, LM Riggs… - Biological …, 2017 -
Background Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses, wherein women
represent the majority of those affected by major depression. Despite the growing literature …