Regenerating theories in developmental biology

T Pradeu - 2014 -
Developmental biology offers descriptions and explanations of the processes involved in the
development of living entities. But does it formulate theories? If it does not, does this raise …

Regenerating theories in developmental biology

T Pradeu - 2014 -
The view that developmental biology does offer theories is defended in this chapter, on the
basis of three main arguments. Firstly, several other biological fields routinely formulate …

Regenerating theories in developmental biology

T Pradeu - Towards a Theory of Development, 2014 -
Developmental biology offers descriptions and explanations of the processes involved in the
development of living entities. But does it formulate theories? If it does not, does this raise …

[引用][C] Regenerating theories in developmental biology

T Pradeu -
Thomas Pradeu, Regenerating theories in developmental biology - PhilPapers Sign in | Create
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