Construction of some families of 2-dimensional crystalline representations

L Berger, H Li, H June Zhu - Mathematische Annalen, 2004 - Springer
We construct explicitly some analytic families of étale (φ, Γ)-modules, which give rise to
analytic families of 2-dimensional crystalline representations. As an application of our …

[PDF][PDF] Residually reductible representations and modular forms

CM Skinner, AJ Wiles - Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS, 1999 -
In this paper we give criteria for the modularity of certain two-dimensional Galois
representations. Originally conjectural criteria were formulated for compatible systems of X …

Deforming Galois representations and the conjectures of Serre and Fontaine-Mazur

R Ramakrishna - Annals of mathematics, 2002 - JSTOR
Let p be an odd prime, ka finite field of characteristic p, and W (k) the ring of Witt vectors of k.
The study of Galois representations p: GQ Gal (Q/Q)-+ GL2 (k) and their deformations to …


C Breuil - Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 2003 -
Nous conjecturons que la réduction modulo des représentations cristallines irréductibles de
dimension 2 sur peut être prédite par la réduction modulo. Nous explicitons quelques …

Deformations of certain reducible Galois representations, II

S Hamblen, R Ramakrishna - American journal of mathematics, 2008 -
We examine the deformation theory of two dimensional mod $ p $ reducible
indecomposable Galois representations, removing or relaxing many of the hypotheses of …

The weight part of Serre's conjecture for

T Gee, T Liu, D Savitt - Forum of Mathematics, Pi, 2015 -
Let p> 2 be prime. We use purely local methods to determine the possible reductions of
certain two-dimensional crystalline representations, which we call pseudo-Barsotti–Tate …

[PDF][PDF] Crystalline Dieudonné module theory via formal and rigid geometry

AJ De Jong - Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS, 1995 -
Let S be a base scheme in characteristic p. Consider the crystalline Dieudonne module
functor D on the category of^-divisible groups over S to the category of Dieudonne crystals …

Nearly ordinary deformations of irreducible residual representations

CM Skinner, AJ Wiles - … de la Faculte des sciences de …, 2001 -
In this paper we establish the modularity of certain p-adic representations of Gal (F/F), where
F is a totally real field. The main conditions imposed are that p be odd, the representation be …

Realizations of crystals

M Kashiwara - Contemporary Mathematics, 2003 -
Once we know the crystal associated with representations, we can read for example the
branching rule, decomposition into irreducible components of tensor products, etc. Hence it …

On Siegel modular forms of degree three

S Tsuyumine - American Journal of Mathematics, 1986 - JSTOR
In this paper we study Siegel modular forms of degree three. We give (i) 34 generators of the
graded ring A (F3) of modular forms, and (ii) the generating functions of A (F3). A dimension …